Town Meetings Zoning Board of Adjustment

RCL May 7th ZBA notes

May 2014 ZBA Meeting

Members: chair Ray Jarvis, vice-chair Paul Goldman

clerk Burt Dibble, Mr Mikolaites, Mr. Crapo, and

alternate Mr. Hoyt.

Planner Kim Reed.

Minutes into tape:

001 Pledge of Allegiance

002 Intoduction of ZBA members

003 corrections to April meeting minutes talk.

006 correction amendments adopted.

007 Applications 4 and 6 continued not heard tonight.

008 Kim Reed may put on June agenda.

009 Webster application 1 special exception art. II 203.2 c additions to nursing home and assisted iving facility. Application 2 art. III 301.8 A and B 1 and 7 driveway and expansion.

011 Ground rules of meeting. Dibble recuses Hoyt sits.

013 into Tom Argue CEO Webster, Jerry Menke, Steve Humphries EGA architects, Eric Weinreib Altus Engineering, Steve Pernaw traffic study,Peter Stanhope for appraisals.

015 Tom Argue speaks CEO 28 years 14 millionin subsidies etc.

021 Jerry Menke speaks.

031 Steve Humphries speaks, maps wetlands, test pits , existing conditions.

036 Steve wants to fix something.

045 Memory court.

050 Various street views existing and proposed.

051 Traffic impact Readers Digest version.

053 Traffic counters and manual count; 300 cars per hour during commuting time.

1:02 Appraiser speaks no impact to values.

1:11 Humphries

1:14 attyPhoenixtestimonials of Webster residents

1:17 “only 10 people went to info meeting at Webster”

1:34 member Crapo question on septic.

1:35 Easels moved to unblock meeting views.

1:37 Meeting ground rules gone over.

1:38 Tony Jackson requests fairness.

1:39 Elizabeth Carlson speaks for.

1:43 Alan Gould speaks for application.

1:44 until 2:03 various others in favor speak.



2:04 Opponents speak.

2:06 atty McGhee speaks for opponents. Recitals of past ZBA expansion applications.

2:10 Big encroachment on buffer.

2:11Battlewon but war remains expansion needs loom.

2:13 When is enough enough.

2:15 Tree buffers are naturally eroding.

2:17 Tony Jackson speaks

2:24 Man speaks for his mom in opposition.

Two ambulances and stresses on town.

2:25   “Webster septic hss had issues”

2:26 Webster pays 15k dollars in tax equivalents  where any 3 of 4 neighbors pay more.

2:31 Clapping.

2:32 Jean Harrison.

2:36 Rolf Liam general expansion burdens town many cannot use front rooms near streets.

2:39 Anne Morrison talks about her dad helping create Webster, but she opposes.

2:45 Mr. Argue starts rebuttal of opposition points.

2:52 attyPhoenixcuts loose other client tonight due to lateness of hour.

2:58 Clarkson neighbor challenges no value impact theme.

3:01 Opponent – Uphold the zoning laws!

3:02 member Crapo – expansion creep.

3:05 Storm water handling.

3:17 Special exception determination rules.

3:26 member Goldman says water issues of neighbors may be improved with plan.

3:31 member Jarvis no significant negative impacts.

3:32 Townspeople spoke.

3:34 Request for a motion.

3:36 Vote detrimental ? All nos. In accordance  with zoning all yeses.

3:37 Paul Goldman moves to approve.

3:46 Motion to approve variances requested.  Approved with contingencies of septic design, ighting , buffering and runoff.