Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

October 26, 2015 BOS Meeting notes

File for Civic News:   RyeBOSrclNotes102615revBfinal


  1. Selectman Jenness related her experience at the recent Rising Tides Conference, and pushed for more action and citizen involvement. More Detail
  2. Initial proposal for Fire Department consolidation with Portsmouth was presented.  Discussions will continue.  More Detail
  3. Parsons Creek Watershed bacteria contamination source investigation has been inconclusive thus far, but levels are extremely high.  A $79,000 warrant article may be proposed to investigate community septic systems in the watershed.  More Detail
  4. Discussion of the budget for the Town Clerk’s Saturday office hours included Selectman Mills berating a Town employee, threatening the other Selectmen and acknowledging that he had made a personal promise to a resident to reduce the hours.  More Detail
  5. The position of Finance Assistant Sue Dunfey has been eliminated, but no mention was made of whether this would reduce Town Hall space requirements. More Detail