Planning Board Town Meetings

RCL Rules & Regulations September 29, 2016 notes

1. Wetlands ordinance, currently being worked on by a subcommittee, will be addressed by the full Planning Board (5:32 elapsed).
2. Apartments and Certificates of Occupancy will be discussed with Town Attorney Donovan at the October 11, 2016 Planning Board meeting (5:49 elapsed).
3. Setbacks and driveway locations for corner lots were discussed. The current ordinance is contradictory (7:37 elapsed).
4. Further strengthening of rules to protect wells and drinking water will be looked at, based in part on hydrogeological information from two South Rd. subdivisions (16:30 elapsed).
5. The proposed definition of “substantial construction” (which affects variance expiration) will be discussed with Town Attorney Donovan at the October 11, 2016 Planning Board meeting (31:52 elapsed).
6. A number of ideas to amend the Retirement Community Development (RCD) ordinance to make RCD units more affordable were discussed. The Planning Board Chairman now admits that the approval of the Seaglass Ln. RCD in its ultimate form was a mistake (33:45 elapsed).
7. The ordinance on motels and rental properties is disliked by the ZBA, but specific issues to be addressed remain to be identified (51:15 elapsed)