Town Meetings Zoning Board of Adjustment

RCL ZBA April 5, 2017 Notes

A regular meeting of the Rye Zoning Board of Adjustment was held at the Rye Junior High cafeteria at 7PM on Wednesday, April 5th.

With the resignation of Paul Goldman, Tim Durkin, who prevailed in March’s election, was seated.  Patricia Weathersby was elected Chair, Shawn Crapo vice-chair, and Burton Dibble clerk.  Other full members are Patrick Driscoll and Tim Durkin.  Alternate members are Charlie Hoyt, Greg Mikolaitis, RJ Lincoln, and Russ Bookholtz.  There is one alternate position open, for anyone that might be interested.  We encourage participation, as with all Town boards and committees.

The first matter was a request for rehearing and reconsideration of the March 1st denial of a variance request of Stephen Brown for properties located on Big Rock Road.  This hearing was not open to the public.  The request was denied.

The next matter was a request by Manuel and Carol Barba for property at 740 Washington Road.  The Board did not approve a request for Administrative Appeal from a Building Inspector’s Notice of Violation regarding a second dwelling on a single lot, which, additionally, would be within the 75ft wetland buffer.  It was voted to continue the matter to the next regular meeting in May to review the formal Notice of Decision, to be produced in time for that meeting.

The next matter was an application by Brent Morin for variances regarding a garage (existing) and shed (new) within the side setback.  The request was approved as it was in keeping with the character of the neighborhood and had no objection from the abutting neighbors.

Applications regarding a teardown and rebuild on LaMer Drive and a wetland crossing in a larger development at 421 South Road were continued to the next meeting due to the lateness of the hour.