Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League


Present from the Conservation Commission (clockwise around the table):  Jim Raynes, Dyana Ledger (Transcriptionist, not member), Jaci Grote, Sally King, Suzanne McFarland, and others.

Also present:  Don Cook, Peter Crawford, Pat Losik, Steve Riker and other applicants and abutters.


Editor’s note:  For ease in finding particular sections using the archived video and audio on Vimeo, the elapsed time is indicated.  Use the slider and the elapsed time indicated at the bottom of the video window to fast forward to the desired section.  The video is available at




1.                            Permission was sought for solar panel installation at Independence Farm and cutting of trails.  Matter tabled pending further detail.

2.                            D.D. Cook offered to give the Town, through the Conservation Commission, approximately 20 acres of back land if it supports a wetlands crossing for a driveway in the fifth lot of a proposed subdivision at 561 South Rd. (Rye Farm).

3.                            Site walks were scheduled at 125 Wentworth Rd., 129 Wentworth Rd., 63 Harbor Rd. and 2316 Ocean Blvd.

4.                            Funding for the former Rand Lumber parcel:  $121,000 in Aquatic Resources Mitigation funding was officially awarded; an additional $25,000 in “Moose Plate” funding was denied.


Minutes (0:05 elapsed)


            The minutes were discussed and approved.


Independence Farm, 1090 Washington Rd. (1:08 elapsed)


            Proposal to install solar panels and create cross county trails.  Preliminary discussion about installing 12x360 foot solar panels behind a barn in an open area not visible from the road.


(10:00 elapsed)

            Commission states that it needs more definitive plans, although indicating that they do support solar energy.  Discussion about cutting cross country trails on conservation land.


Rye Farm subdivision, 561 South Rd. (19:13 elapsed)


            D.D. Cook presented his proposal for a wetland/wetland buffer crossing for driveway to Lot 5 of Major Subdivision.  During the meeting, Mr. Cook, on behalf of his development, Meadows at South & West, LLC, offered the Commission approximately 20 acres of the back-most land of the proposed Lot 5 in exchange for the Commission’s agreement to support his request to cross the wetlands and wetland buffer.  The Owner stated that if the Commission did not resolve to support the special exception, he will pursue it with the State and then come back to the Town of Rye Planning Board to request a Retirement Community Development (“RCD”). 

            Member Jaci Grote referred the Owner’s intentions as to Lot 5 as the “nut in the cup.”  Editor’s note:  This is a sleight of hand game with three cups and a nut hidden under one cup.  She stated that the destiny of Lot 5 is ever changing between a single family residence lot or a ten (10) unit RCD.  Editor’s note:  Mr. Cook’s presentation to the Planning Board on July 8, 2014 and his initial correspondence to abutters on July 18, 2014 was a plan inclusive of an RCD.


(59:45 elapsed)

            An abutter spoke about concerns with the wetland and the impact of Lot 5 on his septic system. 


(63:50 elapsed)

            A second abutter spoke about the need for a definition of wetlands as they relate to the proximity to the aquifer and town wells.


(67:00 elapsed)

            Representative of the Rye Water District spoke in response to previous concerns.


(75:20 elapsed)

            Motion to table this item and possibly schedule a special meeting prior to the ZBA meeting so that the applicant could receive Conservation Commission approval beforehand.


125 Wentworth Rd. (76:59 elapsed)


            Zach Taylor spoke, representing the company that will do dredging and filling to permit expansion of the property with a garden and a pool. 


(96:00 elapsed)

            Site walk scheduled for December 1, 3:30 p.m.


129 Wentworth Rd. (86:47 elapsed)


            Site walk scheduled for December 1, 3:45 p.m.


63 Harbor Rd. (96:53 elapsed)


            Site walk scheduled for December 3, 3:30 p.m.


2316 Ocean Blvd. (91:47 elapsed)


            Discussion of several additions for shower, generator and walkway. 


(107:00 elapsed)

            Site walk scheduled for December 3, 3:50 p.m.


Bills (112:47 elapsed)


            Bills were paid, including one for plowing at the Goss Farm from Eddie Ireland.


Correspondence (114:26 elapsed)


            Correspondence regarding 106 Locke Rd. was discussed.  Official notification was received regarding award of $121,000 from the State Aquatic Resources Mitigation Fund for the former Rand Lumber parcel.  Editor’s note:  Purchase of the back portion of this land was approved at the December 10, 2014 Board of Selectmen meeting.  A portion of that meeting was the Conservation Commission hearing.  See the notes for details.  Jim Raynes reported that an additional $25,000 being sought from “Moose Plate” funds did not come through.


Adjournment (118:20 elapsed)


            Whereupon the meeting adjourned.