Final Revision C -- Provided by Rye Civic League
Present (clockwise around table): Jim Raynes, Charles Raynes (former alternate), Dyana Ledger (transcriptionist), Sally King, Jaci Grote, Mike Garvan, Suzanne McFarland, Jeff Gardner.
Also present: Peter Crawford, Tracy Degnan.
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video starts at 7:01:18 p.m. (0:00 elapsed)
Site walk
scheduled for wetlands application at 31 Parsons’ Rd. on July 30.
NH DES approvals for
1126, 1232 and 2575 Ocean Blvd. were discussed.
A $3 million “place
holder” bond for 2017 will be made as a CIP Plan request.
Site revisits at
103 Locke Rd., 23 Appledore Ave. and 7 West Atlantic Ave. will be conducted.
Minutes accepted as submitted. Audio for transcription was not available to transcribe.
Wetlands Application, 31 Parsons’
Rd., Tax Map 20.2, Lot 47 (2:00 elapsed)
Hearing for septic system and
expansion of house, new garage near wetlands. Two lots: one vacant, one with
the house. Lots to be merged and improvements made: small addition (16’x16’)
and garage to house are going to be proposed. Within 75 foot wetland buffer,
steep slope to wetland. Will require various
other variances. Septic will have primary and secondary treatments, three
compartments. Will require maintenance agreement with installing company “On
better-located leach field than conventional or existing. Impact on wetland buffer is increased overall
as 100% of lot is in buffer although on a lot coverage basis the new
improvements will be 23% lot coverage, below 30% limit. Plan is to expand house
first, then garage, then new septic over a 5-10 year period. Garage will have a
basement and bathroom on second floor and be a den, usable space but not a
bedroom as garage is an accessory structure.
New septic will be further from buffer,“a
significant improvement,” roof water
will be collected and not, as now“shot into
wetlands,” and will be detained and dispersed slowly. New driveway will be a safety improvement.
Grote states this is an expansion of use in the buffer zone and enhancing house
yet safety improvements of driveway (backing into a narrow road currently) were
called out as justifications.
Unknown Member: Lawn behind, i.e. towards, wetlands? Soil scientist: there is fill in back. And it
is mowed to wetland boundary. Member Grote:
can we mitigate impacts? Engineer
Ross we can make patio pervious pavers proposed, not pervious as of now on
plans. Unknown Member: previous owners did a lot of pumping, there
is a lot of water back there.
Thursday July 30 6:00 p.m. Site Walk tentatively scheduled.
Tracy Degnan (Rockingham County Conservation
District) update (34:15 elapsed)
Boundary signs placed around Town
Forest easement.
Goss Farm coop house, verifying new
culverts under farm road. Need to verify completion so cost sharing monies can
come in.
Brief discussion of Wallis Road property
(assume Rand Lumber area) Rand RCS, Aquatic mitigation funds update.
Tracy Degnan has had discussion with
Kim Reed about Section 301 of Ordinance to strengthen wetland buffer
regulations, more consistent, standard form to be used by all boards. Potential joint meetings (assume with
Planning Board). Building Inspector anxious to have regulations that are easier
to enforce. Development pressures mentioned as well as some towns having
stricter regulations.
Goss Farm: approximately 16 private gardens this
year. Discussion of getting the word out
more effectively about availability of garden plots. Newsletter and website have been used.
Shoreland Permits: Review of work completed, pictures, and
paperwork (42:40 elapsed)
Ocean Blvd- Map 19.4/ Lot 084 5800 square feet impact.
HarborView Drive- update that work has been completed. Provided photos.
Ocean- Deck and sea grass to be planted.
Ocean- Did not follow Conservation
Commission recommendations. Frank Richardson DES, researched law and couldn’t
say no to permit. Appox. 2000 square feet, drainage, drainage outfall towards
seawall and ocean. Previously developed uplands and existing culverts. Richardson concluded that there was least
impact and applicant demonstrated need. Alternative of on site detention pond
as suggested by CC was found to not be feasible. Sally King 10,000 square foot
home and 3,000 square foot guest house… so no place left for the water? Discussion of appealing DES decision. Conclusion that CC wouldn’t prevail. Sally
King said decision was precedent setting.
Discussion of CIP Capital Improvement
Program (50:40 elapsed)
Last year put in $3,000,000 for 2017
as a “placeholder” for new funding. Member Grote: important to have a consistent funding,
showing that town is interested in funding conservation. Chairman Sally King looking at marshes as
buffer for rising waters. Seeking
consensus for CIP amount, board concurs.
Review of past approvals and
planning to revisit sites (53:40 elapsed)
of house across from Wentworth, “football coach”.
Appledore condition not to mow off their property in marsh needs to be
Locke Road now want to cut the trees first to put solar panels on roof.
Generator placed without permission, approval after the fact.
West Atlantic- draining from driveway into vernal pool. Boulders to road.
(57:49 elapsed)
The payment of a number of small
bills was approved.
( 60:28 elapsed)
The meeting was adjourned.