Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League


            Present (clockwise around table):  Town Administrator Michael Magnant, Selectmen Musselman, Jenness and Mills, Town Finance Director Cyndi Gillespie.

            Also present and sitting in the audience:  Public Works Director Dennis McCarthy, Interim Fire Chief Tom Lambert, Police Chief Kevin Walsh, Deputy Town  Clerk Donna Decotis, Firefighter Jake McGlashing.

Persons present from the public included: Mae Bradshaw, Peter Crawford, Tracy Degnan, Burt Dibble, Sally King, Former Fire Chief Skip Sullivan, James Tegeder.


Editor’s note:  For ease in finding particular sections using the archived video and audio on the Town website, the elapsed time is indicated.  Use the slider and the elapsed time indicated at the bottom of the video window to fast forward to the desired section.  Videos on the Town website may currently be accessed at by clicking on “Town Hall Streaming” at the bottom left of the screen.  Follow the link for “Town Hall Live Streaming,” then find the meeting by date under “Previous.”

The video starts at 7:06:07 p.m. (0:00 elapsed).




1.      Lifeguard staffing of Town beaches ended August 23 due to school year starting.

2.      Grant for $121,000 to be applied towards the former Rand Lumber property purchase was accepted. If a second grant comes in, taxpayers will end up paying approximately $1 million of the $1.25 million purchase price. Cleanup at additional cost will be needed.  A second purchase for $300,000 to $350,000 on South Rd. is pending.  Both will be paid for from the $3 million conservation bond voted in 2014.

3.      The parking ordinance was amended to reflect newly-striped no parking areas adjacent to driveways on Ocean Blvd.

4.      The Selectmen declined to endorse the Heritage Commission’s application to have the Rye Town Hall included among seven New Hampshire buildings to receive support towards renovation, citing the pending resident survey.

5.      Selectman Mills stated that he would be voting to tear down the Town Hall and incorrectly stated that voters had rejected the Town Hall in 2014.

6.      The contract with Assessor David Hynes firm was terminated and a new company hired to do temporary assessing services for the next 2-3 months.  A separate contract was entered into with a consultant to look at the Town’s assessed valuations following concerns expressed by the Department of Revenue Administration.  The Town has had four different assessors since 2010.


Announcement that Lifeguard coverage has ended for the season (0:50 elapsed)


            Selectman Jenness announced that, as of August 23, 2015, there is no longer lifeguard coverage on any Town beaches.  “Commitments to education-related activities caused the staff to have to terminate working prior to what is normally considered the end of summer.  We inquired about the availability of any personnel being available for weekend coverage but had no positive response.”  She continued, stating that the beaches have been posted with “no lifeguard on duty signs.”  The porta potties will be open on weekends through Labor Day.


Appointment of Jake McGlashing as Lieutenant/Paramedic of Rye Fire Dept. (2:01 elapsed)


            Interim Fire Chief Tom Lambert stated that there had been a competitive testing process and Mr. McGlashing came out number one and was recommended to the Board of Selectmen for appointment as Lieutenant, which was upheld by the Board.

            Deputy Town Clerk Donna Decotis then swore in Firefighter McGlashing as Lieutenant.


Consent Agenda (7:25 elapsed)


            Item C was removed from the Consent Agenda and the remaining items, including donations of $500 and $2500 for use by the Conservation Commission, five telephone pole licenses (one new and four existing) on Blueberry Ln., and two event permits were unanimously approved.            


Acceptance of $3000 grant for Conservation Commission


            There was then discussion of item C, a $3000 contribution to the Rye Conservation Society at an address on West Rd. that had come in December 2014.  The check was cashed and the check cleared.  Selectman Musselman stated that a letter should be sent to the donor indicating that they had the wrong name and the wrong address and indicating that it had been deposited on behalf of the Town of Rye.  Sally King indicated that she had spoken to the donor.  The motion to approve carried unanimously.


Public hearing on $121,000 grant for former Rand Lumber parcel (9:33 elapsed)


            Selectman Jenness stated the purpose of the hearing, which was the acceptance of a conservation grant from the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Aquatic Resources Mitigation Fund program in the amount of $121,000 to support the protection of approximately 73 acres of the former Rand Lumber Yard property.

            Sally King stated that the grant was to help mitigate the disturbed wetlands on the property. 

            Peter Crawford, 171 Brackett Rd., asked whether the money was going towards the $1.25 million purchase price.  Sally King confirmed that it would be.  Mr. Crawford asked how it was going to be spent on mitigation if that was the case.  Tracy Degnan with the Rockingham County Conservation District, and also a resident, explained that the award letter had been issued in November 2014.  The intent was to permanently protect the 73 acres.  The mitigation funds also like to see mitigation of wetland resources.  They were able to point out some things that had previously occurred on the property that might need to be mitigated in the future, including a potential culvert installation for a woods road and some trail stabilization and invasive plant control.  That can be done after the land has been protected, she said.

            Mr. Crawford asked for confirmation that additional money would need to be spent on this mitigation since the same money could not be spent twice.  Ms. Degnan confirmed.

            Mr. Crawford asked about the $25,000 grant from the New Hampshire State Conservation Committee that had been mentioned at the November hearing.  Editor’s note:  See the notes of the November 10, 2014 meeting. Ms. Degnan stated that that had been applied for but due to severe competition had not been awarded.  Mr. Crawford asked about potential NRCS funding.  Ms. Degnan stated that that could provide $126,000 or $127,000, but is still in the works.

            Mr. Crawford asked whether that meant that the net result would be the expenditure of $1 million in taxpayer money.  Ms. Degnan confirmed. 

            Mr. Crawford commented that $3 million had been raised, this would be $1 million and there will be $300,000 to $350,000 going to South Rd. less whatever grants might be received for that property.  Thus, the $3 million could disappear fairly quickly.  That is a concern as the last warrant article less than two years ago passed with only 5-6 votes to spare.  If it is spent quickly the willingness of voters to approve more money may be “slim to none,” he said.

            Selectman Jenness stated that the opportunities that present themselves need to be considered as well.  Sally King stated that there are bond restrictions as to when the money can be spent.  They are trying to balance that with opportunity, New England frugality and leveraging money and, she thinks, doing a “hell of a job,” 

            Selectman Musselman asked about the status of the South Rd. acquisition which, he said, had not yet come before the Board of Selectmen.  Sally King stated that they had a purchase and sales agreement on that and that it did come before the Board of Selectmen. 

            Selectman Musselman stated that there had been no vote in public session and that they had not received the documents.  Sally King acknowledged that the Selectmen did not have the “a through p” yet, but promised that the documents will be forthcoming.  Editor’s note:  The “a through p,” (now “a through q”) is a set of required documents established by the Board of Selectmen in order for them to approve Conservation acquisitions. See the notes of the January 6, 2014 meeting at which this process was discussed and approved. 

            The public hearing was then closed. 

            Selectman Musselman made a motion to approve the receipt of the funds, to be applied towards the purchase price of the former Rand Lumber Yard property, to authorize the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen to execute the Certificate of Authority and to authorize Sally King, the Chairman of the Rye Conservation Commission, to sign the grant documents.  All were in favor.


Public hearing on parking ordinance changes on Ocean Blvd.  (17:58 elapsed)


            Selectman Jenness read the purpose of the hearing, which was to add section 12, providing that “[i]n certain areas, the Town may designate that parking shall be restricted at certain driveways and crosswalks lined and marked ‘No Parking.’”  She cited RSA 41:11 and RSA 47:17 XVIII as authority.  She stated that the proposed amendment would be placed on the 2016 Town Warrant.  Editor’s note:  The Selectmen may regulate the use of public highways pursuant to RSA 41:11 and may make those regulations effective prior to the next town meeting.  The ongoing practice has been to request voter approval at the next town meeting after the Selectmen adopt interim regulations.

            Police Chief Kevin Walsh stated that he had sent the Board a memo on July 31.  He stated that the Highway Department is just about done with the painting of the no parking boxes along Ocean Blvd.  In order to enforce that, the Town needs to adopt an ordinance which then needs to be sent to the State for them to adopt. 

            Peter Crawford, 171 Brackett Rd., stated that he recalls that the Parking Ordinance typically spells out specific streets and locations.  Selectman Jenness stated that they are listed, and held up a document.  She stated that it was seven pages long. 

            Mr. Crawford stated that this was a positive move and he supports it.  He suggested that some no parking signs might be appropriate as well.  He referred to a requirement in the state RSA that there be a sign in order to prohibit parking.  Mr. Crawford referred to RSA 265:69, I(i) and read it:  “no person, except a person driving an emergency vehicle, shall:  stop stand or park a vehicle at any place where official signs prohibit stopping.” 

            Selectman Musselman suggested that no parking painted on the asphalt could be considered a sign.  Mr. Crawford stated that that would be an “interesting interpretation.”  Selectmen Musselman expressed concern about two signs per driveway times 40 driveways would be 80 signs.  Mr. Crawford acknowledged that this could be expensive.

            The public hearing was then closed.

            Selectman Musselman moved to amend the ordinance to add section 12, noting that the warrant article would be placed for the 2016 town meeting, however the ordinance would be effective after tonight. All were in favor.


Minutes (23:18 elapsed)


            The minutes of the August 10 meeting were approved with changes.  The minutes of the two non-public sessions of the same day were approved without changes.  The minutes of the August 14 meeting were approved without changes.  The minutes of the non-public meeting of the same day were approved without changes.


Seven to Save application relating to Town Hall by Heritage Commission (25:28 elapsed)


            Mae Bradshaw, 106 Harbor Rd., Chairman of the Heritage Commission stated that she had previously provided to the Selectmen an application that was voted at the August meeting of the Heritage Commission.  The application is to the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance which works throughout the State to identify seven buildings which are in need of saving.  She stated that she had provided some examples of buildings which had been positively impacted.  Town Halls throughout the state built in the 1800s are not in dissimilar situations to Rye’s.  Successes in Kensington, Hancock and Wolfeboro have been achieved with help from the Preservation Alliance.  A 195 page application was put together.  (Click here to see).  The negative of the loss of the warrant article in March precipitated the application.  Wolfeboro was a $4 million project which lost twice, but $850,000 was raised with assistance from the Alliance.  With that, the electorate approved the $4 million.  The building will be reopened this year. 

            Ms. Bradshaw continued, stating that the application will be filed in December.  They are waiting to see if the Conservation Commission would like to support it as well.  The Historical Society has already added their support.  The Historic District Commission will be voting on the 31st on whether to support.  They would be pleased if the Selectmen would support it as well.  A vote of the Selectmen is not needed to file the application.  That is within the purview of the Heritage Commission, she said.

            Selectman Musselman stated that he appreciates what they are doing, and this type of activity is within the scope of what the Heritage Commission can do.  However, the Town Hall Committee is in the process of looking at alternatives that involve rehabilitating the building, repurposing it and building a town hall elsewhere, or demolishing it.  He stated that he does not believe that it is appropriate for the Selectmen to take a position on it.  He does not believe, at the end of the day, that the building will be demolished.  It is incumbent on them to wait to see what the townspeople think and wait for the recommendation of the Town Hall Committee prior to taking a position.  The application is well done, he said.

            Selectman Jenness said that two meetings ago at a meeting of the Heritage Commission, Ms. Bradshaw had asked for the view of members regarding refurbishment of Town Hall.  She stated that she had abstained at that time since, as a member of the Board of Selectmen she did not feel that she could speak alone inasmuch as the Board of Selectmen had not yet discussed it.  She stated, however, that she personally was in favor.


(32:13 elapsed) 

            Selectman Mills stated that he would “stand pat“ with Selectman Musselman.  Quite a bit of time was spent on the survey, he said.  For the past two years rehabbing the Town Hall has been on the ballot and has been turned down by quite a margin both years.  Editor’s note:  This is incorrect.  While 2015 Warrant Article 5 failed, 575-887, gaining only 39.3 percent of the vote (60 percent being needed to pass as this was a bond issue), 2014 Warrant Article 8, appropriating $250,000 for the design and preparation of detailed drawings and specifications, passed 932-710, or with 56.8 percent of the vote (only 50 percent was needed as a bond issue was not involved).  In addition, Warrant articles passing in 2011 and 2013 provided $40,000 and $60,000 respectively towards Town Hall.  A total of $350,000 has been voted from 2011 to present.  A Town Hall warrant article in 2012 for $135,000 failed to pass, however, at that time the design for Town Hall consisted of a brick addition connected to the existing building, with a size of approximately 15,000 sq. ft.  The 2012 Space Needs Committee reduced the size requirement to 10,500 sq. ft., and until 2015, the Town supported warrant articles to advance the Town Hall design process.  By 2015, the size had increased to approximately 12,600 sq. ft., and to a total project cost of $4.45 million (including the $350,000 already spent), from the approximately $2.1 million project cost estimated by the Space Needs Committee. 


            Selectman Mills continued, saying:


so something has got to change, so this year here, we, uh.  If it comes down to.  I’ll tell you my, my thing in, that, uh, if it comes to me, when it comes to vote, I’m going to vote to tear it down.  I’ll tell you that right up front.  I don’t pull any punches.  Uh, I’ve been around this building for many, many years and so I know all its idiosyncrasies, or a lot of ‘em.  So, uh, I think, putting more money into this building right now is a waste of time and effort.”


Ms. Bradshaw asked whether, having heard Selectman Mills vote, anyone else wanted to vote.  Selectman Musselman stated, for him, it was not time to say one way or the other where they stood.  He believes that they need to let the process play itself out and then make a decision.  At the end of the day it will be up to the Town Meeting voters and not the Selectmen, he said. 

            Selectman Jenness asked about Wolfeboro.

            Ms. Bradshaw stated that Wolfeboro was “right on point.”  The amount that they needed was exactly the same.  They tried two times to obtain approval.  When the Preservation Alliance came in and informed people and provided the educational opportunity so that people had information when they voted, they voted in favor.  Ms. Bradshaw acknowledged that there was private enterprise and fund raising.  The Heritage Commission has demonstrated the ability to do that, and will continue with that, she said.

            Selectman Jenness stated that that was truly amazing.

            Selectman Musselman asked for further details.  Selectman Jenness clarified that they were not talking about the current Wolfeboro Town Hall, but rather a brick building.  There was then a question about the Langdon House and Town Hall.  Ms. Bradshaw stated that incremental funds were raised for renovations.  She referred to the facility having a church with pews upstairs.

            Selectman Musselman asked about it being done by a Langdon Heritage Commission, separately from the Town.  Ms. Bradshaw stated that, in a lot of towns, the historic properties are owned by the Heritage Commission.  Here, the Heritage Commission was created because of the tower.  Editor’s note:  In 2011, Article 18, which created the Heritage Commission, passed.  The accompanying 2011 Article 19, which was contingent on Article 18 passing, also passed.  It authorizes the Heritage Commission to acquire the Pulpit Rock Tower, but no action can be taken until $90,000 in private funds had been raised.  That has not yet occurred. 

            Selectman Musselman asked whether the building was being repurposed as something other than the Town Hall.  Ms. Bradshaw responded that she did not know the answer.

            Ms. Bradshaw stated that the point was that, with the work of the Alliance statewide, attention is being brought to many of these properties statewide, allowing the generation of funds, which permits the stewardship of the properties to move forward.

            Selectman Jenness commented that that was really interesting and thanked Ms. Bradshaw.


Town Hall Historical Register Signs (36:52 elapsed)


            James Tegeder of the Heritage Commission addressed the issue of the appeal of the Selectmen’s decision allowing only one of two requested signs designating Town Hall as being on the State Registry of Historic Places.  He showed the plaque to the Selectmen and then read a letter.  It stated that they wanted to dedicate the plaque to the memory of Dr. Michael Mittelman.  Editor’s note:  Dr. Mittelman passed away in 2014 and had been active with the Rye Historical Society and was responsible for the competition which led to the adoption of a Town flag which currently flies in front of a number of Town buildings.  Selectmen Jenness and Musselman complimented Mr. Tegeder about the plaque.  Mr. Tegeder indicated that it was aluminum.  The letter indicated that research had indicated that only one marker is typically present.  However, the Rye Town Hall is unique in that the entrance is now on the side.  A second sign at the front, the original entrance, is also appropriate.  The letter requested reconsideration, and reminded the Selectmen that the Heritage Commission was assuming all costs for the project. 

            Selectman Mills stated that, until the survey results provide them with some direction there is not a need for a distraction out front.  It would be a place for the kids to vandalize, he said.

            Selectman Musselman stated that, if adjacent to the door, everyone in Rye would see it.  If an expenditure were made for a granite post then if the building is torn down the post would need to be removed.  It is entirely appropriate to place it on the building.  Putting it out front would not add any visibility.  If, however, they would propose to put it on the front face of the building there wouldn’t be any harm in that.  He was reacting to the granite post, he said. 

            Selectman Jenness asked whether he would be in favor of a duplicate on the other door.  Selectman Musselman agreed and asked Selectman Mills for his opinion.  Selectman Mills stated that it would be a duplication as nobody uses that door.  Selectman Jenness stated that people take pictures of the front of the building.  She said “I think the point here is that we have a group in town doing their very best to do something to preserve this building even though there may be other forces at work or at least a question that’s up in the air.”  She stated that it would have more visibility on a white background rather than a post. 

            Selectman Mills stated that he would make a motion that she abstain as a member of the Heritage Commission and just leave it up to him and Selectman Musselman. 

            Selectman Musselman pointed out that she is also their representative to the Planning Board and could vote if there is a Planning Board issue.  He stated that he believed that she can vote if she chooses.

            Mae Bradshaw pointed out that Selectman Mills is a member of the Historic District Commission of which this building is the centerpiece.

            Selectman Jenness asked whether the Heritage Commission would accept having the plaque on the building rather than on a post.  Mae Bradshaw stated that she believed that they would.  Selectman Jenness pointed out that that would remove the issue of the cost of removal of the post. 

            Selectman Musselman stated that it is the Heritage Commission’s decision as to how they spend their money that is dedicated towards Town Hall.  He started to make a motion.

            Burt Dibble, 106 Harbor Rd., spoke in favor of having the plaque on the Central Rd. side if there is to be only one plaque.  There is a significant matter relating to public awareness and public spirit.  He is concerned that the Post Office moved away and now the Town Hall may move away.  The Town center may be decimated as an historical site.  His first preference would be plaques on both sides so visitors could see the pride that we take in the building, he said.

            Selectman Musselman moved that a second plaque, adjacent to the front door, on the white clapboards, be authorized.  Selectman Jenness asked whether there was a second.  Selectman Mills said no.  Selectman Jenness seconded.  The vote was 2-1 with Selectman Mills voting against. 


Appointment Christina Remick as Alternate on the Heritage Commission (48:15 elapsed)


            Selectman Jenness stated that she had a letter from Ms. Remick with a recommendation from Mae Bradshaw.  Ms. Bradshaw stated that she would be an excellent addition.  She also serves on the Historic District Commission.  All were in favor.


Road salt contract (49:41 elapsed)


            Public Works Director Dennis McCarthy stated that the low bidder was Granite State Minerals.  The second is Morton Salt, formerly International Salt.  They have a long-term relationship with Morton.  Their salt is better and drier.  They had trouble with delivery last year when they went with Granite State at the lower price.  There was also trouble with the salt freezing in the trucks because it came wet.  There were times last winter when all they had was what was in the trucks.  He is asking that they go with Morton this year.  Using the 1250 ton per year figure, the difference would be $4380. 

            Selectman Jenness asked whether this was the same salt that she has on her shelf.  Mr. McCarthy confirmed, but said it is a different type of salt. 

            Selectman Musselman said that the wet salt worries him.  The delivery problems might have been expected.  Mr. McCarthy stated that Morton had been able to satisfy their customers. 

            Selectman Musselman moved to approve the selection of Morton.  All were in favor.


Termination of David Hynes’ assessing firm, successor appointment (52:58 elapsed)


            Selectman Jenness stated that the contract with CNHAS had been terminated under Section 6 of the contract in non-public session and the minutes were properly sealed under RSA 91-A:3, III.  Editor’s note:  See the minutes of the May 7, 2013 meeting.  CNHAS stands for Certified New Hampshire Assessing Service, which is the firm of David Hynes.  She stated that the Board of Selectmen needed to move quickly to find a temporary assessor as the second tax billing is due around the beginning of October.  Also, a consultant was needed to address concerns raised by the Department of Revenue Administration (“DRA”) concerning assessing practices.  Both of the new contracts are public documents and they need to be ratified in public session. 

            Selectman Musselman moved to hire Rex A. Norman, CAE, to audit the Town’s assessing records for accuracy and compliance and to authorize the Town Administrator to sign a contract for these services.  All were in favor.

            Selectman Musselman moved to hire Municipal Resources Inc., MRI, to provide the Town with temporary assessing services for a period of 2-3 months.  Editor’s note:  MRI was one of the firms interviewed during the May 7, 2013 meeting, according to the minutes of that meeting.  The principals are listed as Joseph Lessard and Scott Marsh.  The minutes state that the firm, at that time, had provided assessing services for North Hampton and had worked extensively with waterfront communities. 

            Rye has had a succession of assessors in recent years.  According to Town Annual Reports, Howard Promer was Assessor in 2010, Norm LeBlond in 2011 and 2012, and David Hynes in 2013 and 2014.


Letter from Gateleys regarding condition of Breakers Condo Duck Pond (44:52 elapsed)


            Selectman Jenness stated that the letter is lengthy.  The pond is on private property, but she understands that it is very green.

            The discussion was a lengthy one.  Claire Gately complained about the disgusting and nauseating condition of the pond.  The Building Inspector had taken a water sample, the results are due shortly.  There was speculation about whether there might be seepage from septic systems.  Selectman Musselman indicated that such a circumstance might provide the only basis for the Town and DES to look into.  His guess is that bacteria will not be detected as there is sand all around, he said. 


Firefighters Local food drive (80:23 elapsed)


            Town Administrator Magnant passed out a document and stated that he needed the Selectmen to approve.  It was so moved and all were in favor.


Accident in front of Rye General Store (80:55 elapsed)


            Selectmen Mills asked for the status of this accident that afternoon in front of “Philbrick’s Store.”  Editor’s note:  This is now known as the Rye General Store.    Interim Fire Chief reported that there had been a bicycle accident between the two church roads.  The accident in front of Philbrick’s Store was two motor vehicles.  Two people were transported to Portsmouth Hospital, he said.  Selectman Mills asked how it happened.  Chief Lambert said he had no idea.  Selectman Mills then asked Chief Walsh, who responded that one of the officers was working on the report. 

            Selectman Mills held up a handheld electronic device and stated that it had died on him.  He complained that he had not gotten any calls, not even the bicycle one in the morning.  He pushed the device across the table towards the audience.


Randazza parking, 2228 Ocean Blvd. (82:11 elapsed)


            Selectman Musselman brought up this issue.  Editor’s note:  See the notes of the August 10, 2015 meeting in which Mr. Randazza had complained that all of the houses near his had areas striped for no parking adjacent to their driveways except his.  At that meeting, it was pointed out that Mr. Randazza’s driveway was much wider than the others.   Selectman Musselman stated that he had been thinking about this and was amazed that DOT ever approved that.  He had thought that there was a pool or patio behind the fence.  The property owner could have a driveway onto “C” Street.  He does not believe that more no parking areas should be created for Mr. Randazza.  Selectman Mills pointed out that the owner has four parking spaces but is only entitled to one.  Mr. McCarthy stated that he had requested a copy of the driveway approval from DOT.  His guess is that they will not find anything. 

            Burt Dibble, 106 Harbor Rd., a member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, pointed out that there is a town ordinance requiring that driveways be on the less-traveled street when there is a corner lot. 

            Selectman Jenness pointed out that the house was there prior to the existence of a zoning ordinance, which creates a problem.


Household Hazardous Waste Collection (85:35 elapsed)


            Public Works Director Dennis McCarthy pointed out that this was scheduled for the upcoming Saturday in Brentwood. 

            Selectman Mills asked whether there would also be one in Hampton.  Mr. McCarthy responded that they do not know yet, because Hampton is no longer in the District.  Editor’s note:  Rye is a member of the Southeast Regional Refuse Disposal District 53B.  New waste disposal contracts were negotiated by the District in 2014-2015.  These contracts provided member communities an opportunity to obtain the negotiated rates even if they withdrew from the District.  A number, including Hampton, decided to do so.  Member communities contribute indirectly to the District.  Part of these revenues pay for two Household Hazardous Waste Disposal days annually.  In recent years these had been in Hampton and Brentwood.  Selectman Musselman’s firm, CMA Engineers, performed work for the District in connection with the new contracts.  Mr. McCarthy stated that he was working on going in with Portsmouth on their Hazardous Waste day, however there would be a cost associated with that. 


Street scan van and roadside mowing (86:13 elapsed)


            Mr. McCarthy announced that the van would be driving around town the next day to assess road conditions.  They drive slowly and people may think that it is the Google van.

            The roadside mowing will start tomorrow, Mr. McCarthy said, in response to a question from Selectman Jenness.  She complained about the growth of the bushes.  Mr. McCarthy stated that next year they will try to have them come in a month earlier. 


Part-time public works employees (87:19 elapsed)


            Mr. McCarthy stated that they would potentially be losing a part-time employee who works Saturdays as his full-time job is getting busy.  He would like to hire another part-time employee for Saturday and possibly one day during the week.  Selectman Jenness asked whether any of them drive plows.  Mr. McCarthy stated that only the employee that is likely to leave does.  However, he may still be available to plow. 

            Mr. McCarthy stated that they have money budgeted for part-timers.  The overtime budget has been the problem.  If they don’t have part-time employees available then the overtime will be higher. 

            There was no objection to Mr. McCarthy hiring another part-time employee.  Selectman Mills stated that he could replace what he is losing.


Adjournment (89:53 elapsed)


            Whereupon the meeting adjourned at approximately 8:36 p.m.