Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League


            Present (clockwise around table):  Town Administrator Michael Magnant, Selectmen Craig Musselman and Priscilla Jenness, Town Finance Director Cyndi Gillespie.  Conferenced in by telephone for a portion of the meeting:  Selectman Joseph Mills.

            Also present and sitting in the audience:  Interim Fire Chief Tom Lambert, Public Works Director Dennis McCarthy, Police Chief Kevin Walsh


Persons present from the public included:  Victor Azzi, Peggy Balboni, Mae Bradshaw, Kevin Brandon, Randy Crapo, Shawn Crapo, Peter Crawford, Paul Goldman, Ralph Hickson, Ray Jarvis, John Loftus.


            Editor’s Note:  These annotated minutes are provided by the Rye Civic League.  They have been prepared using the PDF version of the draft minutes downloaded from the Town website on January 28, 2017.  Not all of the text may have been converted properly.  Consult the Town website for the official minutes.  All RCL annotations are in Times New Roman font.  The original minutes are in Courier font.  The absence of annotation does not indicate that the RCL has confirmed that the minutes accurately reflect what transpired.  The time stamps are in minutes and seconds relative to the start of the RCL video of the meeting, which is available on the Town website.  The draft minutes have not yet been approved by the Selectmen and are subject to change.

Editor’s note:  For ease in finding particular sections using the archived video and audio on the Town website, the elapsed time is indicated.  Use the slider and the elapsed time indicated at the bottom of the video window to fast forward to the desired section.  Videos on the Town website may currently be accessed at by clicking on “Town Hall Streaming” at the bottom left of the screen.  Follow the link for “Town Hall Live Streaming,” then find the meeting by date under “Previous.”

The video starts at 6:33:22 p.m. (0:00 elapsed).




1.              The Selectmen approved placement of six warrant articles seeking approval of three collective bargaining agreements.  Selectman Mills, who had not been to a meeting in many months, was conferenced in by telephone for the vote on the Public Works Employee contract as Selectman Jenness recused herself inasmuch as her son works at the Transfer Station.

2.              The Selectmen voted in favor of placing their $3.4 million warrant article to tear down and rebuild Town Hall, but voted not to recommend the $3.2 million Heritage Commission article to renovate the building.  Selectman Musselman complained that the Heritage Commission’s action ensured that neither article would pass.

3.              The Selectman voted not to recommend a $500,000 petitioned warrant article to perform several repairs to Town Hall.  Selectman Musselman asserted that it was not enough money and said that if the article passes and the Board of Selectmen agree they would not have to do anything.






See meeting of 01/23/17 for approvals/corrections





6:00 p.m.

Rye Town Hall



Members Present: Acting Chair Craig Musselman, Selectmen Priscilla Jenness and Joseph

Mills (joined the meeting by telephone at 6:44 p.m.)


Others Present: Town Administrator Michael Magnant, Asst. Town Administrator/Finance

Director Cynthia Gillespie and Members of the Budget Committee.



Acting Chair Musselman called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.


II. NON-PUBLIC SESSION per RSA 91-A:2, I (b), Collective Bargaining

At 6:00 p.m., Priscilla Jenness made a motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:2, I (b)

Collective Bargaining. Seconded by Craig Musselman.

Roll Call: Priscilla Jenness –

Yes, Craig Musselman –




At 6:30 p.m. the Board came out of Non-Public Session.




Acting Chair Musselman reconvened the public meeting at 6:32 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.


(0:49 elapsed)


A. The Town Offices will be closed Monday, January 16, 2017 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. – Civil Rights Day.

B. The last day for Petitioned Warrant Articles to be submitted to the Selectmen’s Office is Tuesday, January 10, 2017, 4:00 p.m.

C. Bond Hearing scheduled for Tuesday, January 17th, 6:30 p.m., (location to be determined).

Motion by Priscilla Jenness to seal the minutes of the Non-Public Hearing just concluded.

Seconded by Craig Musselman. All in favor.





See meeting of 01/23/17 for approvals/corrections


Public Comment (2:15 elapsed)



Peter Crawford, 171 Brackett Rd, noted that he submitted two petitioned warrant articles to the town. He requested a reaction from the town attorney prior to the Deliberative Session. (He submitted copies of the warrant articles to the Board.) He explained that he sent a letter to the Selectmen on February 18, 2016 about some statements that he thought were misleading in the February 2016 Newsletter. The Selectmen voted to table the letter and take it under advisement. He has not heard back from the Selectmen about the issue.

He also spoke about comments made by Selectman Jenness at the Heritage Commission meeting on January 5th, which he felt were not correct and should be corrected. He stated that, in the video of the last Heritage Commission meeting, at 6:44:15 p.m., she had said that 60 percent of survey respondents were in favor of rebuilding on the existing site.  He said that that statement implied that those persons were in favor of the tear down and rebuild option, when in fact that option had only 15 percent support in the survey.

            Selectman Jenness stated that she did not have the survey in front of her at the time.  Selectman Musselman interrupted Selectman Jenness and she did not finish her statement.


Consent Agenda (4:30 elapsed)



A. The Rye Heritage Commission requests permission to accept and expend unrestricted donations received in the amount of $2625.00.

B. Letter rec’d from Steve Ellis, Chair, Town of Pittsburg board of Selectmen re: Local Control of Municipal Roads

C. Email rec’d from Tom Sherman re:The Cancer Cluster Task Force

D. Email rec’d from Jim Murphy, EPA re: a public meeting being held about the Coakley Landfill Superfund Site on Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. at Bethany Church, Greenland, NH.


Motion by Priscilla Jenness to approve Item A, and approve and place on file Items B, C and D. Seconded by Craig Musselman. All in favor.


Minutes (5:27 elapsed)




Meeting Minutes

1. Meeting, Tuesday, December 27, 2016, 5:00 p.m., Town Hall

The following corrections were noted:



Page 4, 1st motion should read: Motion by Priscilla Jenness to encumber $500,561.95 which represents the total of the 2016 General Fund Encumbrances. Seconded by Craig Musselman. All in favor.



Page 6, Item 7, 2nd sentence should read: Is the roof above the doorways heated?


Page 7, Item 11, 1st sentence should read: Mr. Hastings explained the whole perimeter,

except for the drywall or plaster finish on the inside.


Page 9, 5th paragraph from bottom should read: Mr. Hastings explained the majority of the

building has to be safely jacked to take the slab out so the other side is not jeopardized.


Page 9, last paragraph, 4th sentence should read: He continued that on this site it is not likely

that there is a bearing issue.



See meeting of 01/23/17 for approvals/corrections




Page 9, last paragraph, 6th sentence should read: What has been raised tonight is when the slab is taken out, is it going to be discovered it was poured on loam or native sands; the latter is probably far more likely.



Page 10, 1st paragraph from bottom, 1st sentence should read: Mr. Hastings stated that Hutter’s bid last time was 3,240,000 at about 11,000sf.


Motion by Priscilla Jenness to approve the minutes of December 27, 2016 as amended. Seconded by Craig Musselman. All in favor.


2. Non-Public Session, Tuesday, January 3, 2017 (1) per RSA 91-A:2, I (b) Collective Bargaining Motion by Priscilla Jenness to approve the minutes of the Non-Public Session of January 3, 2017 as presented. Seconded by Craig Musselman. All in favor.


Collective Bargaining Agreements (8:50 elapsed)


Note: Selectman Joseph Mills joined the meeting by telephone at 6:44 p.m. Selectman Mills’ wife Marcie Mills was in attendance with Selectman Mills. Craig Musselman continued on as acting chair.


B. Union contracts between the Town of Rye and the Professional Fire Fighters Assoc. of Rye, the Rye Town Employees Association and the Rye Town Police Association.


DPW Union Contract:


o Duration -3 year contract starting April 2017

o Grievance -Increased time of response for Selectmen to respond to a grievance from 5 working days to 7 working days.

o Residency -Language for residency was added for 20 driving miles, rather than “at the discretion ofthe DPW Director”.

o Probationary period increased from 6 months to 12 months;

o Language added to address vacation time during the winter months which allows for one (1) employee to be on vacation at any time during that time. Others may be approved at the discretion of the DPW Director;

o Healthcare – The Comp 2500 Plan will no longer be offered by HealthTrust starting 2017. The parties agreed to bring on another health plan called A/B 10, which is a more modestly priced plan. Any employee who switches to that plan will receive a $500 stipend for each year of the contract. There is also an ABSOS Plan which is a more economical plan. An employee who makes a change to that plan will receive a $750 stipend for each year of the contract. There was also language added that says the town will provide these plans or a comparable plan. Language was added to allow the town to competitively bid health care plans.

o Wages – Year 1: 2.5% increase, Year 2: floor of 2% and ceiling of 3.5% (based on Consumer Price Index CPI)

o One time stipend of $150 will be paid to any employee who satisfactorily completes the UNH Road Scholar Program.

o It is customary for mechanics to use their own tools. The agreement allows for replacement of tools that are damaged during work.

o Increase in the boot allowance from $150 to $200.



See meeting of 01/23/17 for approvals/corrections


o Cost of contract Year 1: $11,152 (Assuming all employees stay on the Blue Choice Plan)

o Cost of contract Year 1: $15,153 (Assuming all employees go to the A/B 10 Plan – Savings to the town $23,319)

o Cost of contract Year 1: $17,153 (Assuming all employees go to the ABSOS Plan – savings to the town $51,100)

ARTICLE ______. To see if the Town of Rye will vote to approve the cost items included in the Collective Bargaining Agreement reached between the Town of Rye Board of Selectmen and the Rye Town Employees Association affiliated with the Teamsters Local 633 of New Hampshire, which calls for the following increases in salaries and benefits at the current staffing level:


Year Estimated Range of Increase over prior Year

Base 2% Max 3.5%



2017 (9 mos.) $17,153

2018 (12 mos.) $18,618 $24,481

2019 (12 mos.) $18,230 $28,068


The range in years 2018 and 2019 is a minimum and maximum amount

Determined by Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA).


And further, to raise and appropriate the sum of $17,153 for the 2017 fiscal year, such sum representing additional costs attributable to the increase in salaries and benefits required by the new agreement over those that would be paid at current staffing levels in accordance with the most recent collective bargaining agreement. This appropriation is in addition to the operating budget. Majority vote required.


Motion by Craig Musselman to recommend the Warrant Article regarding the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Rye Board of Selectmen and the Rye Town Employees Association affiliated with the Teamsters Local of 633 of New Hampshire. Seconded by Joseph Mills.

Roll Call: Joseph Mills – Yes,

Priscilla Jenness – Abstained,

Craig Musselman – Yes

Vote: 2-0-1


ARTICLE ____. Shall the Town of Rye, if Article ____ is defeated, authorize the Board of Selectmen to call one special meeting, at its option, to address Article _____ cost items only?


Motion by Craig Musselman to recommend the Warrant Article to call one special meeting to address cost items only, if the article for the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Rye Board of Selectmen and the Rye Town Employees Association is defeated. Seconded by Joseph Mills.

Roll Call: Joseph Mills – Yes,

Priscilla Jenness – Abstained,

Craig Musselman – Yes

Vote: 2-0-1


Editor’s note:  Selectman Jenness apparently recused herself from the vote because her son works at the Transfer Station.  The employees covered by this agreement are those that work for Public Works.


Note: Selectman Mills left the meeting at 6:55 p.m.



See meeting of 01/23/17 for approvals/corrections


Professional Fire Fighters Association of Rye:


o Duration – 3 year contract starting April 2017

o Grievance – Increase time for Selectmen to respond to a grievance from 5 working days to 7 working days.

o Deleted old language in Article 12 and Article 13

o Increase in the annual uniform allowance from $450 to $550

o Healthcare – The Comp 2500 Plan will no longer be offered by HealthTrust starting 2017. The parties agreed to bring on another health plan called A/B 10, which is a more modestly priced plan. Any employee who switches to that plan will receive a $500 stipend for each year of the contract. There is also an ABSOS Plan which is a more economical plan. An employee who makes a change to that plan will receive a $750 stipend for each year of the contract. There was also language added that says the town will provide these plans or a comparable plan. Language was added to allow the town to competitively bid health care plans.

o Wages – Year 1: 2.5% increase, Year 2: floor of 2% and ceiling of 3.5% (based on Consumer Price Index CPI)

o Article 29 – deleted

o Union members who reach 15 years of continuous service will advance one pay grade provided they are certified as a Paramedic or Advanced EMT, and provided that they obtain a satisfactory rating on their most recent performance evaluation.

o Career track for Advanced EMT’sis expanded -$2,500 reimbursed

o The Town will pay an annual stiped of $500 to each of the three Union members who were enrolled in the COMP 2500 insurance plan for each year of the contract.

o Cost of contract Year 1: $23,419 (Assuming all employees stay on the Blue Choice Plan)

o Cost of contract Year 1: $27,919 (Assuming all employees go to the A/B 10 Plan – savings to the town $27,344)

o Cost of contract Year 1: $30,169 (Assuming all employees go to the ABSOS Plan – savings to the town $56,486)

ARTICLE _____. To see if the Town of Rye will vote to approve the cost items included in the Collective Bargaining Agreement reached between the Town of Rye Board of Selectmen and the Professional Fire Fighters Association of Rye affiliated with the International Association of Fire Fighters  IAFF Local #4411, which calls for the following increases in salaries and benefits at the current staffing level:


Year Estimated Range of Increase over prior Year

Base 2% Max 3.5%



2017 (9 mos.) $30,170

2018 (12 mos.) $35,653 $44,605

2019 (12 mos.) $27,660 $39,458



The range in years 2018 and 2019 is a minimum and maximum amount

Determined by Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA).



And further, to raise and appropriate the sum of $30,170 for the 2017 fiscal year, such sum representing additional costs attributable to the increase in salaries and benefits required by the new agreement over



See meeting of 01/23/17 for approvals/corrections


those that would be paid at current staffing levels in accordance with the most recent collective bargaining agreement. This appropriation is in addition to the operating budget. Majority vote required.


Motion by Craig Musselman to recommend the Warrant Article regarding the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Rye Board of Selectmen and the Professional Fire Fighters Association of Rye affiliated with the International Association of Fire Fighters IAFF Local #4411. Seconded by Priscilla Jenness. Vote: 2-0


ARTICLE ____. Shall the Town of Rye, if Article ____ is defeated, authorize the Board of Selectmen to call one special meeting, at its option, to address Article _____ cost items only?


Motion by Priscilla Jenness to recommend the Warrant Article to call one special meeting to address cost items only, if the article for the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Rye Board of Selectmen and the Professional Fire Fighters Association of Rye is defeated. Seconded by Craig Musselman. Vote: 2-0



Rye Police Association:


o Grievance – Increase time for Selectmen to respond to a grievance from 5 working days to 7 working days.

o If the town fails to provide the employee with 24 hours notice of a court cancellation, the employee will be entitled to 3 hours of overtime pay.

o Vacation time will be listed in the agreement for clarification.

o Increase in detail pay of $2.00 per hour for each year of contract.

o Healthcare – The Comp 2500 Plan will no longer be offered by HealthTrust starting 2017. The parties agreed to bring on another health plan called A/B 10, which is a more modestly priced plan. Any employee who switches to that plan will receive a $500 stipend for each year of the contract. There is also an ABSOS Plan which is a more economical plan. An employee who makes a change to that plan will receive a $750 stipend for each year of the contract. There was also language added that says the town will provide these plans or a comparable plan. Language was added to allow the town to competitively bid health care plans.

o Wages – Year 1: 2.5% increase, Year 2: floor of 2% and ceiling of 3.5% (based on Consumer Price Index CPI)

o Sergeant’s pay willincrease from a Grade 12 to Grade13.

o Union members who have achieved and maintain certification as a Field Training

Officer, Use of Force Instructor or Firearms Instructor, will receive an annual stipend of $500 for each year of the contract.

o Cost of contract Year 1: $17,688 (Assuming all employees stay on the Blue Choice Plan)

o Cost of contract Year 1: $21,188 (Assuming all employees go to the A/B 10 Plan)

o Cost of contract Year 1: $22,938 (Assuming all employees go to the ABSOS Plan)



See meeting of 01/23/17 for approvals/corrections



ARTICLE _____. To see if the Town of Rye will vote to approve the cost items included in the Collective Bargaining Agreement reached between the Town of Rye Board of Selectmen and the Rye Police Association affiliated with the Teamsters Local 633 of New Hampshire, which calls for the following increases in salaries and benefits at the current staffing level:


Year Estimated Range of Increase over prior Year

Base 2% Max 3.5%

2017 (9 mos.) $22,939

2018 (12 mos.) $22,335 $28,207

2019 (12 mos.) $20,876 $29,108


The range in years 2018 and 2019 is a minimum and maximum amount

Determined by Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA).


And further, to raise and appropriate the sum of $22,939 for the 2017 fiscal year, such sum representing additional costs attributable to the increase in salaries and benefits required by the new agreement over those that would be paid at current staffing levels in accordance with the most recent collective bargaining agreement. This appropriation is in addition to the operating budget. Majority vote required.


Motion by Craig Musselman to recommend the Warrant Article regarding the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Rye Board of Selectmen and the Rye Police Association.  Seconded by Priscilla Jenness. Vote: 2-0


ARTICLE ____. Shall the Town of Rye, if Article ____ is defeated, authorize the Board of Selectmen to call one special meeting, at its option, to address Article _____ cost items only?


Motion by Priscilla Jenness to recommend the Warrant Article to call one special meeting to address cost items only, if the article for the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Rye Board of Selectmen and the Rye Police Association is defeated. Seconded by Craig Musselman.

Vote: 2-0


(35:44 elapsed)

            Town Administrator Magnant then said that the provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreements have ripple effects throughout the budget.  The non-union employees are entitled to 2% increases, while the union employees are entitled to 2.5 %.  If this passes, the stipends would not roll out to the non-union employees.

            Selectman Musselman said that that issue can be addressed at a later date.  He suggests that the amounts be absorbed within the existing budget.  The amount is not significant, he asserted. 

            Budget Committee Chairman Paul Goldman asked a process question.  He asked which warrant articles the Board of Selectmen were going to pass judgment on.  Editor’s note:  Many of the Budget Committee members were present, waiting to convene a Budget Committee meeting as soon as the Board of Selectmen meeting was over. 

            Shawn Crapo, alleged alternate to the Budget Committee from the Rye Beach Village District, noted that, for a few departments, their costs are mostly wages.  He asserted that these might not have enough room to absorb the stipends.








Budget/Warrant Article Work Session (42:26 elapsed)

A. Warrant Articles

ARTICLE____. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of three million three hundred eighty-six thousand seven hundred fifty-two dollars ($3,386,752), gross budget, for the purpose of constructing a new Town Hall office building similar in exterior design and on the same site of the existing Town Hall Building, along with equipment and furnishings, and authorize the borrowing of up to three million three hundred eighty-six thousand seven hundred fifty-two dollars ($3,386,752) through the



See meeting of 01/23/17 for approvals/corrections


issuance of not more than three million three hundred eighty-six thousand seven hundred fifty-two dollars ($3,386,752) of bonds or notes in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Finance Acting (N.H. RSA Chapter 33 as amended) and to authorize the Selectmen to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes, to determine the rate of interest thereof, and to take such actions as may be necessary to effect the insurance, negotiation, sale and delivery of such bonds or notes as shall be in the best interest of the Town of Rye, and further, to apply for and accept and expend Federal and state Grants and any private donations towards this purpose. (3/5 ballot vote required.)


Motion by Priscilla Jenness to recommend the Selectmen’s Warrant Article for $3,386,752 regarding the construction of a new Town Hall Building as written. Seconded by Craig Musselman.

Vote: 2-0


ARTICLE____. Shall the Town raise and appropriate as an operating budget, not including appropriations by special warrant articles and other appropriations voted separately, the amounts set forth on the budget posted with the warrant or as amended by vote of the first session, for the purposes set forth therein totaling nine million four hundred thirteen thousand nine hundred fifty-two dollars ($9,413,952)? Should this article be defeated, the default budget shall be eight million eight hundred forty thousand three hundred thirty-six dollars ($8,840,336) which is the same as last year, with certain adjustments required by previous action of the Town or by law; or the governing body may hold one special meeting, in accordance with RSA 40:13, X and XVI, to take up the issue of a revised operating budget only.

(Majority vote required.)


NOTE: This operating budget warrant article does not include appropriations in ANY other warrant articles.


Motion by Priscilla Jenness to recommend the Budget Warrant Article as written.  Seconded by Craig Musselman. Vote: 2-0


ARTICLE_____. (By Petition) To see if the Town of Rye will vote to authorize the Rye Selectmen to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,200,000 gross budget for the purpose of renovating the Rye Town Hall 1839 building with due consideration of the historical features


to construct pursuant to Option 1-Historic Renovation submitted by Hutter Corporation on December 8, 2016


. to authorize the borrowing of up to $3,200,000 through the issuance of not more than $3,200,000 of bonds or notes in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Finance Act (N.H. RSA Chapter 33 as amended)


. to authorize the Selectmen to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes, to determine the rate of interest thereon, and to take such actions as may be necessary to effect the issuances, negotiation, sale and delivery of such bonds or notes as shall be in the best interest of the Town of Rye,


. to apply for and accept and expend Federal and State Grants and any private donations toward this purpose, and

. to direct the Selectmen to authorize the pursuit of available grants to help defray the cost of renovation.



See meeting of 01/23/17 for approvals/corrections



Rye Town Hall is listed on the New Hampshire State Register of Historic Places and was designated as one of the Seven to Save Endangered Historic Properties for 2015 by the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance.


(3/5 Ballot vote required.) This appropriation is in addition to the operating budget.


Motion by Craig Musselman to not recommend the Petitioned Warrant Article for $3,200,000 for the purpose of renovating the existing Town Hall. Seconded by Priscilla Jenness.


Acting Chair Musselman stated that in all likelihood neither warrant article will pass. There will be people who want to do nothing, people who will want one article and people who want the other. The town will have yet failed again. It is unfortunate to have this warrant on the ballot. There are differences of opinion. He is concerned that the amount of money may not be sufficient to get everything done.


Selectman Jenness stated that at the Heritage Commission meeting the other night she stated several times that she felt the contingency that was provided in the other plan, that might not completely be needed, might not be sufficient to do this. She stills feels that way.


Vote: 2-0

(49:25 elapsed)

     Selectman Musselman said that they had seen the article for the first time that evening.  Town Finance Director Cyndi Gillespie confirmed that the petition was accompanied by a sufficient number of valid signatures.


ARTICLE____. (By Petition) Should Article _____ (insert number for Selectmen’s $3,386,752 warrant article (Hutter Option 2) for tear down and rebuild) and article _____ (insert number for $3,200,000 Heritage Commission warrant article (Hutter Option 1) for renovation) fail to pass, shall the town vote to raise and appropriate an amount not to exceed $500,000 to repair and refurbish the exterior of the historic Rye Town Hall, to provide handicapped access and facilities, to replace and restore windows as appropriate, and improve the energy efficiency, while taking into consideration the impact of twenty-first century technology on space needs.


Acting Chair Musselman stated that, it is early on, but that if this is adopted by the voters the Selectmen will certainly evaluate it. It is his opinion, that $500,000 would not come close to touching the needs of the town hall. The Selectmen would have the option, if that were the case, of simply not acting on it. Five hundred thousand dollars is not going to get all of those things.  Not going to happen, he said.  That’s one person’s opinion, he acknowledged. 

            Selectman Jenness said that she is speechless. 


Motion by Craig Musselman to not recommend the Petitioned Warrant Article for $500,000 to repair and refurbish the Town Hall. Seconded by Priscilla Jenness. Vote: 2-0







See meeting of 01/23/17 for approvals/corrections






Other Business (51:50 elapsed)



Victor Azzi, Old Ocean Blvd., asked how someone can find out more information about the Consent Agenda Items.


Acting Chair Musselman noted that all information is available in the Selectmen’s Office at the Rye Town Hall. Information is also attached to the minutes.


Mr. Azzi asked about item C, the letter from Tom Sherman regarding the Cancer Cluster.  He asked whether a few words could be added to explain the items.


Selectman Musselman described the items, and said that he had provided one of the checks to the Heritage Commission.  He also described the other items.  With regard to Mr. Sherman’s letter, he said that it is a short email saying in essence that Governor-elect Sununu had determined that the Committee would remain in effect until such time as a change is made.  With that quote, they were overjoyed that they were proceeding.  New subcommittees are being formed, he said.


Mr. Magnant complained about the time commitment to attend the Cancer Cluster meetings.  Selectman Musselman agreed that he would need to stop as he could not attend those and continue to work 32 hours per week.



(56:25 elapsed)

Motion by Priscilla Jenness to adjourn at 7:30 p.m. Seconded by Craig Musselman. All if favor.


Editor’s note:  The Budget Committee meeting convened in the same room immediately after the Board of Selectmen’s meeting adjourned.  There is a separate video for that meeting on the Town website.  Many of the Budget Committee members were present for the Board of Selectmen’s meeting.


Respectfully Submitted,

Dyana F. Ledger (annotations added by Rye Civic League)



See meeting of 01/23/17 for approvals/corrections



See meeting of 01/23/17 for approvals/corrections