Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League


            Present (clockwise around table):  Member Gregg Mikolaities, Member Kathy Errecart (RES parent), SAU50 Business Manager Jim Katkin, Member Paula Tsetsilas (School Board), Member Jeanne Moynahan (School Board), Member Marc Sedam (RJH parent), Member Craig Musselman (Rye Board of Selectman), Member Paul Goldman, Sal Petralia (SAU 50 Superintendent), Member Doran Morford, Member Peggy Balboni, Member Andrea Papoutsy (music teacher, Rye Elementary School)

            Also present and sitting in the audience:  Rye Town Administrator Michael Magnant.

            Persons present from the public included:  Ray Jarvis

            Video link:


Editor’s note:  For ease in finding particular sections using the archived video and audio on the Town website, the elapsed time is indicated.  Use the slider and the elapsed time indicated at the bottom of the video window to fast forward to the desired section.  Videos on the Town website may currently be accessed at by clicking on “Town Hall Streaming” at the bottom left of the screen.  Follow the link for “Town Hall Live Streaming,” then find the meeting by date under “Previous.”

The video starts at 8:32:13 a.m. (0:00 elapsed).




1.      School Board member Paula Tsetsilas and Budget Committee member and former School Board member Peggy Balboni were elected Co-Chairmen.

2.      A disagreement arose between parents on the committee and Selectman and Member Craig Musselman on whether this is a school or town committee, and on the importance of meeting possible town needs vs. maintaining educational quality.

3.      Research tasks were assigned, including enrollment data, site plans of the two schools, and data on other SAU 50 school enrollments and space use.


Review of warrant article (3:35 elapsed)


            Superintendent Sal Petralia opened the meeting and reviewed the warrant article.  Possibilities to be studied include:

1.      Merging the two schools

2.      Other uses for the building

3.      Possible uses for the space by other SAU 50 member districts

The Committee’s report is due December 1, 2017.

            There was then a brief discussion of the Committee’s goals.  Member Musselman said that their purpose was not to address the revenue gap, but to deal effectively with the space that exists.  Member Tsetsilas spoke about maintaining a high standard of education in the face of declining enrollment.


Chairperson selection and preliminary organization (11:33 elapsed)


            Member Musselman suggested that co-chairs be considered, with one person from the education side and the other from the Budget Committee.  Paula Tsetsilas and Marc Sedam said that it is a school committee.  Member Musselman disagreed, referring to the statement in the warrant article that the report would be to the town.  They will be reporting to the Board of Selectmen, he said. 

            Member Musselman suggested Peggy Balboni as the Budget Committee person.  She was previously on the School Board, he said.

            Member Kathy Errecart said that the quality of the education is first priority, the cost is second priority. 

            Member Musselman said that, from the Town’s perspective, the question is whether an interim use of 20-30 percent of the Junior High for town offices could be done without impacting the education.

            Member Jeanne Moynahan nominated Paula Tsetsilas as Chairman.  Member Musselman nominated Peggy Balboni as co-Chairman.  Member Goldman noted that Ms. Balboni had been on the School Board for nine years. 

            Ray Jarvis, speaking from the audience, asked whether there shouldn’t first be a vote on whether to have co-chairmen.  There was a show of hands and only one person was in favor of a single chairman. 

            All voted in favor of Ms. Tsetsilas and Ms. Balboni as co-chairs.

            Co-Chairman Tsetsilas then spoke about the rules.  There are 11 on the committee, so a quorum is 6.  She asked about meetings outside of a full session.  Member Musselman said that, while fewer than 6 could meet, it is advisable not to operate in that manner.  Rye Town Administrator Mike Magnant noted that, if any subcommittee is formed, that in itself would be a public body subject to the right-to-know laws. 

            Co-Chairman Tsetsilas said that the minutes would be posted on the school website.  Member Musselman said the town would provide a link.

            Mr. Magnant noted that there are some non-voting members.  Co-Chairman Tsetsilas said that Mr. Magnant, SAU 50 Business Manager Jim Katkin, Rye Junior High Principal Marie Soucy and Rye Elementary School Principal Suzanne Lull are non-voting members.

            Co-Chairman Tsetsilas noted that, while the warrant article defines three options, it does not limit the Committee to those.


Initial Discussion (41:52 elapsed)


            Ms. Tsetsilas said that enrollment, not budgets, is driving the process.  The issue is maintaining high standards in the face of the enrollment decline. 

            Member Kathy Errecart spoke about marketing to New Castle.

            Member Marc Sedam said that the term varying, not the term declining, should be used.  He warned of what might happen if the space is needed back.

            Co-Chairman Tsetsilas said that there are 45, not 50, incoming Kindergartners for next year, compared to 43 currently.

            Member Marc Sedam said that the live birth data does not capture people moving into Rye. 

            Member Balboni said that the SAU office has years and years of data.

            Member Marc Sedam emphasized that the Committee is a school committee.

            Member Musselman reiterated that he has a differing view.  The report is to the town, not the School District. 

            Member Marc Sedam said that it’s not just a building, it’s a school.  Of course the report is to the town, it’s a public record, he said.

            Member Musselman said that it is a joint decision.  We’re not a school, we’re a town, he said. 

            Member Doran Morford said that he doesn’t care where the report goes.  The issue is what is to be done with the schools that allows us to do everything that we want. 

            Member Goldman said that he was concerned.  He thought that a broader systemic view was to be taken, not just a school focus.  He is sensing a rift already, he said.


(65:12 elapsed)

            Co-Chairman Tsetsilas said that all options would be identified.

            Co-Chairman Balboni said that the Committee is meeting due to all of the space needs of the town.  The question is, if there is unused space, can it have other uses.

            Member Marc Sedam spoke about the bigger picture with the SAU. 

            Co-Chairman Tsetsilas spoke about the need to report to the town on enrollment trends.

            Member Kathy Errecart warned of too great a focus on town needs.


Discussion of objectives (76:22 elapsed)


            SAU 50 Superintendent Petralia warned about referring to the SAU and the School District interchangeably.

            SAU 50 Business Manager Jim Katkin said that the School District owns the schools until it abandons them.  Editor’s note:  They would then revert to the Town.  See N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. (“RSA”) 199:4, II.

            Superintendent Petralia stated that the SAU encompasses four districts.  The needs of the SAU may not be pertinent, he said.  Editor’s note:  New Castle, Newington and Greenland are also part of SAU 50.  Rye controls a minority of the SAU 50 Board.  He said that each of the districts operates independently within the SAU.  It might be wonderful to get all 49 students from New Castle, but that is not Rye’s decision, he indicated.

            Member Gregg Mikolaities suggested that the Committee go back to the warrant article bullets.  Everything goes back to that, he said.  Member Doran Morford then moved to accept the objectives, Sal Petralia seconded.  All were in favor. 


Research to be conducted (88:07 elapsed)


            Co-Chairman Tsetsilas then addressed the research.  She referred to a document that had been distributed.  Some members appeared to have received it and others had not.

            Member Jeanne Moynahan referred to the document that provides 40 years of data.  Twenty-five years ago there were only 32 kids at RJH, she said.

            Co-Chairman Peggy Balboni spoke about the need to identify how the buildings are currently used, the Recreation Department’s needs, and the use of the pre-school in Greenland.  She asked how many classrooms are being used.

            Member Gregg Mikolaities said that he would like to see data on the population of students and the capacity for each of the SAU 50 schools.  He would like to know how many students are at private schools.  He has heard that there are 50 students eligible to attend Rye Junior High that are at private schools.  If that is true, what would happen if they come back?

            Member Musselman said that he would like to distribute to the group the information on the town’s space needs, as well as the report of the Recreation Facilities Need Committee.

            He added that, while it may be premature, the feasibility of segregated entrances, vehicle access and parking should be considered.  There may be a fatal flaw, he said.  He suggested that he and Member Mikolaities could be tasked with looking at the site plan.  Member Mikolaities said that he had actually designed the school additions a number of years ago.

            SAU 50 Business Administrator Jim Katkin warned that cars impinging on the property may not meet the criteria for school properties.  Member Jeanne Moynahan spoke about the possibility of access through the recently acquired Wedgewood Farm land, but there are deed restrictions on that, she said.  Member Musselman said that he would like to see the deed.  It might be possible to use 30 or 40 feet, he said.  Editor’s note:  The Wedgewood Farm land was acquired by the School District using private donations in the last few years.  The land is adjacent to Rye Junior High.

            Ms. Tsetsilas said that she would call the Department of Education regarding restrictions on dual uses of the schools. 

            She said that she would also get data on private school departures.  Member Musselman asked her to get several years of data.  He said that he has heard that it has not changed a lot, but what has changed is the destination schools. 

            Member Musselman asserted that combining of the schools could occur only at Rye Elementary School due to site restrictions.  He said that he and Member Mikolaities will look at the site plan.  SAU 50 Business Administrator Jim Katkin spoke about the site being tight with respect to water and septic.  There is a 10 acre piece and a 30 acre piece, he said.


Next meeting and adjournment (108:13 elapsed)


            The next meeting was scheduled for August 3 at 8:30 a.m.  The meeting then adjourned.