
Draft Template for Warrant Articles

The deadline is 5pm January 14th to the Selectmen’s office. The requirement is 25 signatures, so you should get at least 30 signatures as some may not be legible and others may not actually be registered voters. Bob Eaton is the Town Moderator and can make suggestions on how to make the wording clear for your intent. Signature […]


Draft of changes to the Master Plan as of December 2013

Information on Seabrook and other activities:    Local Climate Change Doc for Civic News activities These are the working drafts for you to review prior to the January 21st Planning Meeting. CHAPTER 1_Vision Sept 2013 MP Ch2 Rev 12-4-2013 MP Ch 3 Rev 11-7-13 MP Ch 4 Rev 11-7-2013 .MP Ch 4A Rev 11-7-2013 CHAPTER 5_Transportation […]


Town Tax Rate setting November 7, 2013 RCL Notes

RCL Notes for civic news links:  Tax Rate setting November 7, 2013 RCL Notes NOTES OF NOVEMBER 7, 2013 RYE BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING TAX RATE SETTING Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Present:  Selectmen Jenness, Musselman.  Absent:  Joe Mills.  Also present: Cindi Gillespie, Mike Magnant, Donna Decotis, Beth Yeaton, Representative […]


Beach Use Committee Ordinance and Study November 20, 2013 RCL Notes

RCL notes for Civic League links:  Beach Use committee RCL Notes NOTES OF NOVEMBER 20, 2013 BEACH USE ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Committee members present (counter clockwise around table):  Tom Farrelly, Katy Sherman, Del Record, Bill Epperson, Joe Mills, Mike LaBrie, Craig Musselman, Tyler McGill, Police Chief […]


Board of Selectmen November 25, 2013 RCL Notes

RCL notes for Civic League links:  RyeBOSrclNotes112513revBfinal NOTES OF NOVEMBER 25, 2013 RYE BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Present:  Selectmen Jenness, Musselman and Mills.  Also present:  Mike Magnant.  Not present:  Cyndi Gillespie Persons present from the public included:  Peter Crawford, Sam Winebaum, Tom Farrelly, Devin Farrelly, […]


Foyes Corner Site Walk RCL Notes November 23, 2013

RCL notes for Civic League Links:  Foyes Corner Nov. 23, 2013 Site walk RCL Notes NOTES OF NOVEMBER 23, 2013 RYE PLANNING BOARD SITE WALK AT FOYES CORNER (287 SEAT RESTAURANT) Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Present:  Bill Epperson, Mel Low, Priscilla Jenness, Ray Tweedie, Jeffrey Quinn (alternate), Phil Winslow, […]