RCL Citizen’s Handbook 2024

What is the Rye Handbook?

Click Here to view the 2018 PDF: RCL Citizen’s Handbook August 2018

Click Here to view the 2017 PDF:  RCL Handbook August 2017

Click Here to view the 2016 PDF:  RCL Citizens Handbook August 2016

Click Here to view the PDF: RCL Citizen’s Handbook August 2015

The Rye Citizens’ Handbook has been created by the Rye Civic League (“RCL”) to provide a consolidated resource to assist citizens in interacting with the various employees, board and commission members of the Town. It contains a description of all of the positions and groups, together with the contact information for each. It provides a road map to assist citizens in interacting with each function. The document is fluid. The intention of the RCL is to revise the Handbook at least annually in response to changes in staff, board and committee memberships, and the laws.
Why did the RCL create the Rye Town Handbook
Although Rye is a small town, we pay over $22 million annually for public services, including schools, water, and municipal services. The Town’s annual report enumerates 24 different roles, committees, boards and commissions, occupied by 89 individuals, not including alternates. During 2011, the Town, excluding the schools, paid 137 people for services. The total Includes many part-time employees, including lifeguards and the selectmen.
Comprehending the roles and responsibilities of the various parts of our local government is not straightforward, nor is understanding how and when to engage them. The Rye Citizens’ Handbook is designed to be an efficient tool to assist the citizens of Rye in better understanding the operation of our local government. Our government belongs to us, and we are responsible for the way in which it operates.
The RCL, primarily Mae Bradshaw, researched and worked with town officials to create the content. The RCL expresses its great appreciation to Mae Bradshaw, as well as selectman Priscilla Jenness, who reviewed the handbook.
What is next:
This is the second edition, and the RCL will continually improve the value of the Handbook. We are seeking advertisers and sponsors. Once a sufficient number of these has been obtained, we will be printing 500 copies. The RCL is seeking assistance in obtaining support. If you are interested, or know an organization that might be interested in purchasing advertising space, please contact us at alexherlihy@comcast.net
Suggestions and feedback are great. What is even better is if you have an idea, please step forward and help implement it, as we are all over committed people who are creating the time to fulfill some of our civic obligations.  So please come to a Rye Civic League meeting to pitch in.