The Jenness Beach Precinct

The Jenness Beach Precinct


Similar to the Rye Beach Precinct, the Jenness Beach Precinct was created for particular purposes. The Jenness Beach Precinct provides the street lights for a district in Rye which in contained between the Atlantic Ocean and Central Road from Cable Road at Ocean Boulevard south to the Dunes Motel. The Charter of the Precinct directs the three commissioners to promote recreation in the beach district and they have previously fought to maintain access for the public to the beach. The commissioners serve for three year terms which are staggered. One commissioner is elected at the Precinct meeting held each year on the last Saturday in March. The three commissioners are currently Robert “Randy†Crapo, Jane Langley and Michael Netishen.

The jurisdiction of the Jenness Beach Precinct Commissioners is limited to the street lighting, beach and road crossing signs and the water supply and hydrant rental from Aquarion. They maintain sixty-two lights. The Jenness Beach Precinct has no separate zoning jurisdiction. To support its activities, the Commission currently has a budget of eighty-five thousand dollars.

If a resident in this precinct has need for additional street lighting, contact Commissioner Randy Crapo at

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