Town Hall Committee

Town Hall Committee November 7, 2013 RCL Notes

RCL Notes document for Civic News Links:  TownHallCteeMtg110713revBfinal NOTES OF NOVEMBER 7, 2013 RYE TOWN HALL COMMITTEE MEETING Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Present from Town Hall Committee:  Peter Kasnet, Mark Luz, Victor Azzi, Paul Goldman, Lucy Neiman, Selectman Priscilla Jenness, Selectman Craig Musselman, Town Clerk Beth Yeaton, Paula Merritt, […]

Town Hall Committee

Town Hall Committee November 5, 2013 RCL Notes

RCL Notes Document:  TownHallCteeMtg110513revBfinal   NOTES OF NOVEMBER 5, 2013 RYE TOWN HALL COMMITTEE MEETING Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League   Present (counterclockwise around table):  Peter Kasnet, Mark Luz, Victor Azzi, Paul Goldman, Lucy Neiman, Selectman Priscilla Jenness, Selectman Craig Musselman, Town Clerk Beth Yeaton, Paula Merritt, Peter White. Also […]


Rye School Board Budget Meeting RCL Notes 11-8-13

RCL notes for printing and Civic News links:  RyeSchBdRclNotes110813revBfinal NOTES OF NOVEMBER 8, 2013 RYE SCHOOL BOARD MEETING Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Present:  School Board members Peggy Balboni, Mike Schwartz, Jeanne Moynahan, Scott Marion, Mike Moody.  SAU50 Superintendent George Cushing, SAU50 Assistant Superintendent Mary Lyons, SAU50 Business Administrator Jim […]


RCL Planning Board Noted November 12, 2013

File for Civic News Links and printing:  RyePlngBoardNotes111213revBfinal   NOTES OF NOVEMBER 12, 2013 RYE PLANNING BOARD MEETING Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Present:  Jeffrey Quinn (alternate), Anne Crotty (alternate, seated), Priscilla Jenness, Phil Winslow, Ray Tweedie, Bill Epperson, Mel Low, Jerry Gittlein. Also present:  Kim Reed, planning administrator, Michael […]


RCL Board of Selectmen Nov. 13, 2013 Meeting Notes

RCL HTML File:  Used for links from the Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes111313revBfinal   NOTES OF NOVEMBER 13, 2013 RYE BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Present:  Selectmen Jenness, Musselman and Mills.  Also present: Cindi Gillespie, Mike Magnant Present from the public included:  Peter Crawford, Victor Azzi, Cecilia Azzi, Deb Cross, Cherie […]


Master Plan Updates from RCL

The RCL has been looking at the process in Seabrook as a possible model.  More to come. The Rockingham County Planning Commission provided Rye some comments:  Please see those:  memoregarding masterplan2013update The Town Attorney was also asked provide comments:  Please see those comments on the draft:   Master Plan Memo 24 July 13    

Town Hall Committee

Town Hall Auditorium – What can it be used for?

Town Hall Auditorium Meeting Room: What Would It Be Used For? By Alex Herlihy, Rye Historical Society, Rye Heritage Commission Revised December 2013 Over 150 years ago, the Town of Rye had a lively town center, a common meeting place, an epicenter for interaction. With the advent of the automobile, followed by decades of rapid […]


BOS October 30, 2013 Budget Meeting – RCL Key Points Summary

Key points: 1.  The general fund budget is up by nearly 4 percent.  However, the  increase will be substantially higher than that.  There are no cost of  living (COLA) increases in any of the budgets, in part because the  Police and Fire union contracts will be up and those will presumably  be in a separate […]


Capital Improvement Plan Public Hearing October 21, 2013 RCL Notes

NOTES OF OCTOBER 21, 2013 RYE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMITTEE PUBLIC HEARING Revised Final Revision C – Provided by the Rye Civic League Present from CIP Committee:  Mae Bradshaw, Ray Jarvis, Jeanne Moynahan, Ned Paul (arrived slightly late).  Not present:  Phil Winslow Also present:  Finance Director Cyndi Gillespie, Town Administrator Mike Magnant, Library Director Andy […]


October 7, 2013 Planning Board RCL Meeting Notes

NOTES OF OCTOBER 7, 2013 RYE PLANNING BOARD MEETING Draft Revision A – Provided by the Rye Civic League Present:  Jeffrey Quinn (alternate), Anne Crotty (alternate), Priscilla Jenness, Phil Winslow, Ray Tweedie, Bill Epperson, Mel Low, Jerry Gittlein Also present:  Kim Reed, planning administrator, Michael Donovan, Town attorney               Editor’s note:  As this meeting […]