
Master Plan Working Session August 14th – RCL Notes

Printable version:  RCL Planning Board 8-14-13 Working Session Master Plan notes   NOTES OF THE AUGUST 14, 2013 PLANNING BOARD WORK SESSION ON THE RYE MASTER PLAN Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League   Members present: Mel Low, Bill Epperson, Phil Winslow, Priscilla Jenness, Jerry Gittlein, Ray Tweedie (left meeting at […]


RCL Citizens’ Handbook 2013

Viewable version:  Handbook July 2013II THE RYE CITIZENS’ HANDBOOK INTRODUCTION This handbook has been created to make it easier for Rye residents and business people to understand how our town is governed. Each board, department, committee and commission in Rye has responsibility to the citizens. This handbook is intended to be a “how to†guide […]


Planning Board Notes July 9, 2013

Printable version:  RCL Planning Board notes 7-9-13 meeting   NOTES OF JULY 9, 2013 RYE PLANNING BOARD MEETING Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League   Present:  Bill Epperson, Mel Low, Priscilla Jenness (arrived late during Old Ferry Landing relocation presentation), Ray Tweedie, Phil Winslow, Jerry Gittlein, Keriann Roman (alternate), Anne Crotty […]


BOS Meeting Notes from the RCL 8 July 13

Printable version:  RCL BOS 7-08-13 Meeting Notes   NOTES OF JULY 8, 2013 RYE BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Present:  Selectmen Jenness, Musselman and Mills.  Also present: Cindi Gillespie, Mike Magnant             Editor’s note:  For ease in finding particular sections using the archived video and audio […]


August 2013 RCL view of proposed Master Plan Changes

Summary slides for Planning Board Workshop:   Master Plan Workshop Overivew for 14 Aug 13 Printable Version:  Master Plan Draft (2013) review RCL 12 Aug 13 SUMMARY OF CHANGES TO THE DRAFT 2013 RYE MASTER PLAN (Prepared by the Rye Civic League, August 12, 2013)   A subcommittee of the Rye Planning Board, the Long Rang […]


What is a Master Plan?

What is a Master Plan?  “A master plan is planning document that serves to guide the overall character, physical form, growth, and development of a community… Properly done, a master plan should describe where, how, and at what pace a community desires to develop physically, economically, and socially. In short a master plan functions much […]


RCL Beach Use Committee notes July 2, 2013

NOTES OF JULY 2, 2013 BEACH USE ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League For a printable version: RCL Beach Use Committee 7-2-13 Meeting Notes Committee members present:  Selectmen Musselman and Mills, Members Del Record, Police Chief Kevin Walsh (ex officio), Tom Farrelly, Tyler McGill, Michael LaBrie, Bill Epperson, Fire […]


RCL Beach Use Meeting Notes June 13, 2013

NOTES OF JUNE 13, 2013 BEACH USE ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League For a printable version: RCL Beach Use Committee 6-13-13 Meeting Notes Committee members present:  Selectmen Musselman and Mills (arrived late), Members Del Record, Police Chief Kevin Walsh (ex officio), Tom Farrelly, Tyler McGill, Michael LaBrie, Bill […]