
Special Planning Meeting December 16, 2013 RCL Notes

Printable version:  RyePlngBoardNotes121613revBfinal NOTES OF DECEMBER 16, 2013 SPECIAL RYE PLANNING BOARD MEETING TO SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARING FinalRevision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League   Present from Planning Board:  Ray Tweedie, Selectman Priscilla Jenness (arrived slightly late), Mel Low (arrived slightly late), Bill Epperson, Phil Winslow, Jeff Quinn. Also present:  Planning Administrator Kim […]


Planning Board December 10, 2013 RCL Meeting Notes

HTM version for Civic News:   RyePlngBoardNotes121013revBfinal NOTES OF DECEMBER 10, 2013 RYE PLANNING BOARD MEETING Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Present (counterclockwise around table):  Ray Tweedie, Selectman Priscilla Jenness, Mel Low, Planning Administrator Kim Reed, Bill Epperson, Town Attorney Michael Donovan, Jerry Gittlein, Phil Winslow, Jeff Quinn Persons present from […]


BOS December 9, 2013 RCL Meeting Notes

RCL meeting notes HTML for the Civic News:   RyeBOSrclNotes120913revBfinal PDF version as there is a lot of discussion around budget items:  RyeBOSrclNotes120913revBfinal NOTES OF DECEMBER 9, 2013 RYE BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Present:  Selectmen Jenness, Musselman and Mills.  Also present:  Mike Magnant. Cyndi Gillespie. Also […]


Beach Use Committee January 6, 2014 RCL Notes

HTML version for the Civic News:  BeachUseCommitteeNotes010614revBfinal NOTES OF JANUARY 6, 2014 BEACH USE ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Committee members present (counter clockwise around table): Selectman Craig Musselman, Fire Chief Skip Sullivan (ex officio), Del Record, Police Chief Kevin Walsh (ex officio), Katy Sherman, Tyler McGill, Bill […]


Special BOS 1-6-14 Conservation Meeting RCL Notes

BOS and Conservation Process:    BOS and Conservation Process   HTML Version for Civic News:         RyeBOSrclNotes010614revBfinal NOTES OF JANUARY 6, 2014 RYE BOARD OF SELECTMEN SPECIAL MEETING ON CONSERVATION Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Present:  Selectmen Jenness, Musselman and Mills.  Also present:  Mike Magnant. Cyndi Gillespie. Present from the Conservation […]


Budget Committee School Budget 12-11-13 RCL Notes

HTML version for Civic News:  Rye School BudgetCteeNotes121113revBfinal NOTES OF DECEMBER 11, 2013 RYE BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING SCHOOL BUDGET SESSION Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Present from Budget Committee (counterclockwise around table):  Ray Jarvis, Randy Crapo (Jenness Beach Precinct Representative), Shawn Crapo, Jim Maheras (Vice Chairman), Paul Goldman (Chairman), Ned […]


BOS December 23, 2014 RCL Meeting Notes

HTML version for the Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes122313revDfinal NOTES OF DECEMBER 23, 2013 RYE BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING Final Revision D – Provided by the Rye Civic League Present:  Selectmen Jenness and Mills.  Participating by speaker telephone:  Selectman Musselman.  Also present:  Mike Magnant and Cyndi Gillespie. Also present from the Town:  Assessor David Hynes. Persons present […]


Town Budget December 12th Work Shop RCL Notes

RCL Notes for links from the Civic News:  Rye Town Budget Work shop RCL Notes 12-12-13   NOTES OF DECEMBER 12, 2013 RYE BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING TOWN BUDGET SESSION Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Present from Budget Committee (counterclockwise around table):  Ray Jarvis (Clerk), Randy Crapo (Jenness Beach Precinct Representative), […]