
Deputy Police Chief Blaisdell

Lieutenant Scott Blaisdell has been with the Rye police department for 20 years. He has been in second command position for 8 years. Over the last 3 years I am aware of 2-time other law enforcement agencies have attempted to recruit him for a training command position. Lieutenant Blaisdell currently teaches at NH Police Academy […]

Planning Board uncategorized

Sewer Commission Rt. 1 background

At the February 15, 2022 Sewer Commission Meeting Green and Co. requested to be on the agenda to discuss the possibility of municipal sewer to land they currently have under option on Route 1.  They were clear they just wanted a dialogue and that they had no specific proposal. They wanted to understand the process […]


Rye Artist Speaker April 18th

April RAS Artist/Speaker Dustan Knight, a RAS favorite, returns on April 18th to present an in-person watercolor demonstration entitled Big, Loose White Flowers in Watercolor. Dustan is a professional painter (MFA/MA). After retiring as a professor of studio and art history, Dustan now works full time in her studio at the Button Factory in Portsmouth. […]


Signage for Historic Places in Rye

   Signage for Historic Places in Rye  To celebrate the 400th anniversary of Rye in 2023, the Rye Heritage Commission (RHC) is looking for volunteers to work on a sub-committee that will propose some historic signs that describe natural area and the built environment in Rye. Many are familiar with the 1930s big sign on […]