File for the Civic News:  RyeSchoolBoardAnnotatedMinutes122116revBfinal 1   Business Manager Jim Katkin will be retiring in the next few years. To prepare for that, the SAU has increased its budget to provide for an Assistant Business Manager who would be able to assume his responsibilities. This will add approximately $140,000 to the annual SAU50 […]
School Board
School Board Meetings
Note – the schools are independent from the BOS
RCL Draft School Budget 2017-2018 Sections
Introduction & Test Results RES Principal Report & 4 yr Budget Plan RJH Principal Report & 3 year plan Special Education Overview Budget Executive Summary Budget Overview A Budget Overview B Summary & Chart of Accounts Default Budget Salary Data Maintenance Enrollment Projections
December 2016 School Board Update from the School Board
This e-mail was sent from the School Board to Parents. Welcome to the first Rye School Board monthly email communication. In these monthly emails you can expect to see the following information: Date, time & location of the upcoming School Board meetings. Meetings are typically held the third Wednesday of each month at 6pm in […]
December 21, 2016 School Board Parents Highlights
This was created from Parents who attended the meeting. There was a very productive and informative School Board meeting this month. I’m embarrassed to admit that it was my first time attending a School Board meeting from start to finish, and worthwhile it was. Thank you to those parents who attended. Continuing with a parent […]
Portsmouth Herald Article on Start times
By Brian Early [email protected] PORTSMOUTH — The School Board voted 8 to 1 to start middle and high school later in the morning starting next school year. The change will push back the middle and high school start times about an hour and synchronize the elementary school start times. Currently the middle and high school start […]
PHS Considering Eliminating 9th Grade Honors Class
If you are not aware, the Portsmouth High School is looking to end the 9th grade honors program in English and Science (for the 2017-18 school year). They plan to offer honors in grades 10-12, but are strongly pursuing the idea of stopping it in 9th grade.  Many parents of past and upcoming PHS students are concerned about this decision.  At […]
RCL Notes of the October 19, 2016 School Board meeting
RYE NH SCHOOL BD. MEETING AT JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 10-19-16 Notes provided by the Rye Civic League Time stamps of videotaped items of interest (MMM:SS, video available at 000:00 Present Chair (M)arion, (B)randon, (H)onda absent Hillman, Moynahan. Visitors Crawford and Tsetsilas. 001:00 (M) refers to an issue this month involving delay in providing draft […]
RCL Notes of September 12, 2016 School Board Meeting
Document for Civic News:  RyeSchoolBoardNotes091216revBfinal One of the two Junior High boilers is leaking and no longer usable, a fact discovered in July or August. It may be necessary to sole source the new boiler procurement to ensure heat by November 1 because of problems getting an engineering firm that will write a specification. The […]
School Board July 15, 2016 Work shop notes
1. Â Manifest of $2.921 million approved. Â Most of this is High School tuition. Â Discussion of HS attendance and cost (Part 1, 11:52 elapsed). 2. Â Unassigned fund balance (surplus) will be up substantially this year (i.e. 2015-2016 school year), creating concern of next year’s tax rate needing to be larger in comparison (Part 1, 14:26 […]
RCL May 26th School Board Meeting Notes
Rye NH School Board Meeting May 26, 2016 Rye Civic League Notes Note: The video is available at The times are in hours and minutes relative to the start of the video. 00:01 Brianna shadows April. 00:07Ryeteachers approved to have their 3 kids attend RES, though they do not live in the district. Reduced […]