S to W: Sewer Commission


The Town of Rye Sewer Commission is responsible for the administration, billing, operation and maintenance of the Rye Sewer District. There are three commissioners, currently Peter Kasnet (2015), David Adams (2016) and David Kohlhase (2014). The Commission also administers the billing and operation of Adams Mobile Home Park sewer system on Lafayette Road in Rye which is connected to the City of Portsmouth sewer system. Inspections at the three pumping stations are performed daily to insure the system is operating properly. Station maintenance is contracted out to the Town of Hampton as the Town of Rye wastewater collection system discharges to the Town of Hampton and is treated at Hampton’s WWTP.

Sewer Customers are billed quarterly for a capital recovery charge based on their properties front footage and for an operation, maintenance and replacement charge based on H2O consumption. The list of sewer charges and fees are adjusted quarterly and available at the Sewer Commission Office. The Sewer Commission has a process for abating customers for accessory or incidental water usage that does not enter the public sewer system. A permit is required and customers are responsible for the installation and expense of a secondary meter. The meter is read annually and the customer is abated for the consumption.

Any person, contractor or plumber who will be installing sewer pipes and making sewer connections in Rye must be licensed by the Town. The cost of the Installers License is one hundred dollars (one-time fee) and can be obtained at the Sewer Commission Office.

The Sewer Commission is comprised of three elected members whose terms are staggered. Currently the Commissioners are Chairman David Kohlhase (2014), Peter Kasnet (2015) and David Adams (2013) as commissioners. The Commission meets monthly to conduct business, set policies and rates. The meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month in the courtroom at Town Hall and the public is encouraged to attend.

The Sewer Commission Staff includes a Clerk of the Works and an Administrator, Lee Arthur. The Sewer Commission Office is located on the second floor of Town Hall and is opened Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM. – 12:00 PM. For more information contact the Rye Sewer Commission at (603) 964-6281.

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