Rye Water District

Rye Water District

The Rye Water District is a distinct and separate entity. The Rye Water District provides drinking water and hydrant service to a substantial portion of Rye. The Rye Water District operates three wells, three storage tanks, a booster station, and 255 hydrants and maintains approximately 38 miles of water mains.

The three District representatives are currently Ralph Hickson (2015), John Murtagh (2013) and Arthur Ditto (2014).

At the end of 2009, the Water District had $7.4 million in assets that were mostly comprised of long-lived assets such as Water Storage Structures, Distribution Mains Pumping Stations & Equipment and Land & Buildings. Considering those assets of a shorter lived nature (10 years or less), only five items to be acquired were valued at $10,000 or more: three were vehicles and one was a generator. The other item, a meter reader system, has been replaced.

Because water projects typically involve substantial capital, the impact of which is reflected over many years of funding from tax revenues and through separate funding by citizens of the Town, last year’s Capital Improvements Plan report included a section for Rye Water District project plans. It was reported that the Town wide water system was  planning for a Water Treatment  plant, the engineering for which was approved in the March 28, 2009 Rye Water District Annual Meeting. The Rye Water District did not submit a building survey but stated there are no expenses planned for the existing building over the next six years that would exceed the CIP threshold of $10,000.00.

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