Rye Civic League P.O. Box 971
Rye, New Hampshire 03870
MissionStatement:Â The Rye Civic League believes an informed citizenry helps to create a more effective government.
Founded 1968 – Revived 2009
The Rye Civic League [“RCLâ€] is a nonpartisan, nonprofit, voluntary organization. Its purpose is to educate and motivate the residents of Rye, New Hampshire to be informed citizens.
RCL believes that an informed citizenry produces a more effective government. The monthly RCL meetings to discuss town issues and its E-Civic News serve to promote this goal.
In 1968, Frances Holway, Joan La France, and Marjorie Miller founded the Rye Civic League. RCL members attended town board and commission meetings, raised issues, sponsored candidates’ nights, and published and distributed the monthly Town News. The League was disbanded in 1992. In 2009, the RCL was revived and is carrying on with this civic-minded tradition.
RCL Contributions since 2009
Sponsored Town candidates’ nights since 2010
Sponsored statewide candidates’nights, since 2010
Co-sponsored Health Care forum with the Rye Public Library.
Created and presented many “topic” specific education for Rye – such as Water in Rye, Rye Development the past 50 years, and other topics…..
Researched, wrote, and published the Rye Town Handbook, outlining town government services and functions. Hardcopies are available at the Library and Town Hall. It is also available on the RCL Website.
Provided input to the Board of Selectmen regarding the hiring of the new building inspector.
Assisted citizen petitioners gather signatures required for petitioned warrant articles in 2012.
Supported implementation of voter-approved warrant articles.
Offered suggestions on funding needed repairs and improvements to the Rye Town Hall.
Researched town government space needs and provided input to the Town Space Needs Committee.
Regularly attended Board of Selectmen meetings.
Provided the opportunity for Rye residents to meet on a monthly basis to discuss Town issues.
Published on a monthly basis the Rye Civic News with notes on selected meetings to put issues into perspective.
Your Rye Night is a Rye social opportunity that happens right after the RCL monthly meeting. These get-to-gethers are at a local Rye establishment and are an opportunity for residents to meet each other and discuss Rye topics.
To receive the monthly E-Civic News, please go to ryecivicleague.org and enter your name or send an e-mail to civicnews@ryecivicleague.org . In addition to the monthly E-Civic News, subscribers are notified of special town board and commission meetings and other issues of interest to Rye citizens. Published copies of the Civic News are also available at the Rye Public Library.
Volunteers are welcome to attend the monthly meetings of the Town of Rye Boards and Commissions and then report on these Town meetings in the E-Civic News.
Volunteers are also needed to support additional RCL tasks including:
- Keeping current the distribution list,
- Supporting website information,
- Researching current town issues,
- Aiding citizens in the preparation of petitioned warrant articles,
- Organizing RCL-sponsored forums, and
- Assisting on Election Day.
Tried to sign up for the newsletter, but when I hit submit I got a “Timed out” message and nothing happened (even though I used about 1 second. Anyway info is below, so please sign me up for the Rye Civic News. Thanks