Planning Board Town Meetings

RCL Planning Board Meeting Notes September 15, 2015

Rye Planning Board Meeting Sept 15, 2015

7 PM Rye Town Hall Courtroom  Rye Civic League Notes

Link to official draft minutes:

Town Hall Streaming video of meeting:

  1. Amendment to Zoning Section 504 Tourist Accommodations’ requirement to produce records for police inspection.  Amended to comply with US Supreme Court decision which said such requests are unconstitutional.  Voted to be placed on 2016 Warrant
  2. 31 Parsons Road: requested waivers to driveway regulations. A site walk will be held. Related voluntary merger of two lots approved.
  3. 783 Washington Road: voluntary merger of two lots approved
  4. Conceptual Consultation for proposed 2 lot subdivision of land generally across from BG Boathouse in the area of the former quarry.
  5. 5.     Discussion of Proposed Zoning Amendments and Definitions Changes:
    1. Proposed Amendment 2016-02 to 402.3 Frontage requirements for Multi-Family Dwellings/Developments without town road frontage.

Will draft a waiver provision that only applies to Workforce Housing projects without frontage.

  1. Proposed Amendment 2016.03A, B, C. to Article IX Growth Ordinance and 402.5 C Multi Family Dwellings and Developments. 3 versions discussed. Between 20-51% of unit in such developments are required to be Workforce Housing. Current ordinance allowed issuing building permits, but not occupancy permits if the limits of Article IX Growth Management are already exceeded in a given year, creating potential financing problems for those trying to develop multi family.

Version C chosen for hearing to allow waiver of the growth provision and limits on occupancy permits, with safeguard criteria, in cases of multi family dwellings/developments where growth cap is exceeded but at least the first 50% of the units permitted for construction were below the growth cap.

  1. 2016-04 Definition Change: Prohibited. Tabled for further work
  2. Sign Ordinance:  decision to not proceed with any changes.
  3. Definition Change: Living Space and Ground Floor Area

More detailed definition of living space proposed. Issues arose due to living space calculations for Sea Glass Lane approvals being measured on the Interior while Assessing measurements are of the Exterior. Decision is made to stay with Interior measurements that are more