
Files for October 2018 Civic News

Resident’s summary of VosevTrial Rye Public Library Minutes Public Session September 13 RWD Letter to Select Board 5 Sept 18 9-10-18 Resident Letters on Parking NHMA Legislative Policy Input Summary Select Board PB Case #06-2018 ZBA Case #29-2018′ ZBA Case #20 2018 M. Donvan’s Letter about Continuance 120 Bracket Sept 18 RyePBReCellTower092518 BOA NOD 9-4-18 […]

Zoning Board of Adjustment

120 Brackett Rd. Cell Tower Application information

The abutters (Friends of Brackett Rd ) have been active and provided this information to the Civic League.  These documents do not reflect the opinion of the Civic League, but are those of the Friends only.  Cell Tower Proposal Information from Residents Brackett Rd Cell Tower 5 Things to Know Detailed summary:  RCLcellTowerSummaryRevD Sept 3 2018 Herald Story […]

Rye Civic News

Most Current Rye Civic News

Rye Civic News January 2019 from the RCL Rye Civic News December 2018 from the RCL Rye Civic News November 2018 from the RCL Rye Civic News October 2018 from the RCL Rye Civic News September 2018 from the RCL Rye Civic News August 2018 from the RCL Rye Civic News July 2018 from the […]