Zoning Board of Adjustment
Zoning Board Meetings
120 Brackett Rd. Cell Tower Application information
The abutters (Friends of Brackett Rd ) have been active and provided this information to the Civic League.  These documents do not reflect the opinion of the Civic League, but are those of the Friends only. Cell Tower Proposal Information from Residents Brackett Rd Cell Tower 5 Things to Know Detailed summary:  RCLcellTowerSummaryRevD Sept 3 2018 Herald Story […]
Brackett Rd Cell Tower Joint Meetings June 2018 update
RCL Brackett Rd cell Tower Notes 21 June 2018 Daniels v. Town of Londonderry_ 157 N.H. 519 Second Generation Props._ L.P. v. Town of Pelham_ 313 F
2018 Zonning Board of Adjustment Notice of Decisions
ZBA 14-2018 135 Wentworth ZBA 15-2018 31 Parsons Rd ZBA 22-2018 0 Richards ZBA 16-2018 0 61 Washington Rd ZBA 17-2018 0 47 Frontier St ZBA 18-2018 146 Harbor Rd
RCL ZBA April 5, 2017 Notes
A regular meeting of the Rye Zoning Board of Adjustment was held at the Rye Junior High cafeteria at 7PM on Wednesday, April 5th. With the resignation of Paul Goldman, Tim Durkin, who prevailed in March’s election, was seated. Patricia Weathersby was elected Chair, Shawn Crapo vice-chair, and Burton Dibble clerk. Other full members are […]
RCL Notes on Proposed Zoning Amendment RCD 2017-04
Retirement Community Development (RCD’s)    Proposed Zoning Amendment (2017-04) Visit link to the full text of the Proposed Zoning Amendment (2017-04):  Click Here The amendment is intended to assure that RCD’s developed in Rye provide for dwelling units which are affordable to senior citizens. With respect to the town wide limitation, presently there are 20 […]
RCL Notes ZBA August 3 Meeting notes
7:49 elapsed: Call to order and pledge 8:44 elapsed: Approval of minutes of 7/6 meeting 13:19 elapsed: Jeffrey Marple, 51 Brackett Rd., Map 22, Lot 68-1, variance to allow single family house on lot of 13,233 sq. ft. lot where 66,000 sq. ft. is required, and to permit septic bed bottom within 4 feet of […]
Coastal Risk & Hazard Commission Information
March Report for Public Comment: Â CRHC_REPORT_March for Public Comment
RCL ZBA April 1, 2015 notes and time stamps
Rye NH Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting April 1 2015 (timestamp of streaming video on town website) Preliminaries: 00:00:00 Pledge of Allegiance 00:01:26 Intro Ray Jarvis (RJ) Chair, Paul Goldman (PG) vice-Chair, Burt Dibble (BD) Clerk, Shawn Crapo (SC), Patty Weathersby (PW). Per state law reorganized. BD nominates  PW as Chair and PG as vice-Chair, […]
RCL ZBA March 4, 2015 Notes with time stamps
March 4, 2015 Meeting of Zoning Board of Adjustment 7 pm Town Hall. Members: Chair Ray Jarvis RJ, Vice Chair Paul Goldman PG, Clerk Burt Dibble BD, Shawn Crapo SC and Pat Weathersby PW. Time is indicative of minutes into video tape. 1:00 Call to order, pledge, introductions. 2:06 1/21/15 minutes 7:07 Motion to approve […]