School Board Town Meetings

RCL notes built form the December 21, 2016 School Board Meeting

File for the Civic News:  RyeSchoolBoardAnnotatedMinutes122116revBfinal 1     Business Manager Jim Katkin will be retiring in the next few years.  To prepare for that, the SAU has increased its budget to provide for an Assistant Business Manager who would be able to assume his responsibilities.  This will add approximately $140,000 to the annual SAU50 […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL Notes of the December 27, 2016 BOS Meeting

File for the Civic News:   RyeBOSrclNotes122716revBfinal 1.     The Selectmen refused to provide further details or answer questions about the acquisition of Transfer Station land that the Town already thought it owned for $75,000, citing the pending court case.  Meeting Detail   Additional information and documents form the RCL  Click Here 2.     The bids for the two Red Mill […]

Other Town Events Town Events

Eversource Notice on Tree Trimming December 2016

  EVERSOURCE ASSERTS RIGHT TO TRIM YOUR TREES IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND EversourceTreeTrimmingBrochureDec2016 for a brochure recently sent to certain Rye residents over the Holidays.  (add link to above). Perhaps Eversource was hoping that many of us would miss this statement on the third page, during this busy period: “If you do not respond within […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

Town Purchase of Transfer Station Land – RCL Notes as of 12-30-16

Supporting Documents: Transfer Station Conditions for Settlement,   Transfer Station Plan,  Deed1904 ,   Decree Quieting Title,   RyeMotionDismiss,   Transfer Station Land Check Summary for Civic News 1.  The Town has purchased one acre of land that is part of the Transfer Station for $75,000.  See Herald article: 2.  Following the refusal of the Selectmen and the Town […]

Planning Board Town Meetings

RCL Notes of the December 13, 2016 Planning Board Meeting

Part One video: (Part One, 0:00 elapsed)  Meeting is called to order and it is decided that the minutes will be deferred and the zoning amendments discussed first. (Part One, 2:20 elapsed) Zoning Amendment 2017-01 Accessory Apartments.  All in favor of moving to warrant without changes.  No public comment. (Part One, 5:28 elapsed) Zoning […]

School Board Town Meetings

December 2016 School Board Update from the School Board

This e-mail was sent from the School Board to Parents. Welcome to the first Rye School Board monthly email communication. In these monthly emails you can expect to see the following information: Date, time & location of the upcoming School Board meetings. Meetings are typically held the third Wednesday of each month at 6pm in […]

School Board Town Meetings

December 21, 2016 School Board Parents Highlights

This was created from Parents who attended the meeting. There was a very productive and informative School Board meeting this month. I’m embarrassed to admit that it was my first time attending a School Board meeting from start to finish, and worthwhile it was. Thank you to those parents who attended. Continuing with a parent […]