Budget Committee
Budget Committee – this group is elected and has the same RSA requirements for posting and documenting meetings
RCL Notes on 2019 Tax Rate and Budget Committee meetings
Tax rate setting video: Click Here SUMMARY OF TAX RATE SETTING MEETING 1. The tax rate set on 11/12/18 was flat at $10.11 for the total of town, school and county taxes (i.e. excluding districts). 2. The town tax rate was up $.16 and the school rate down $.16. About half of the […]
RCL Notes of January 11, 2018 Town Budget Public Hearing
1. Â The motion requesting that the SAU 50 office explain the $75,464 increase in the teacher retirement budget between 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 carried unanimously (3:05 elapsed). 2. Â Changes to the town operating budget were made to accommodate painting of the Town Hall, installation of a retaining wall and an historic review (22:40 elapsed). 3. Â The […]
RCL Notes School Budget Public Hearing
1. There will be no warrant article for a new collective bargaining agreement with the support workers (RESPA). Negotiations are at an impasse (3:08 elapsed). 2. The Budget Committee approved a $23,764 reduction to their recommended budget, as suggested by the SAU Assistant Business Manager, due to a reduction in the SAU 50 budget (12:54 […]
RCL Notes of November 16, 2017 Budget Committee meeting
RyeBudgetCteeNotes111617revCfinal Memo to Budget Chair:  MemoReBCmbrship111517 1.     Shawn Crapo was seated and permitted to vote over the objection of one member who had provided a six page memorandum on why that would be unlawful. It argued that the statute requires village district representatives to the Budget Committee to be appointed by their respective boards, and that Mr. […]
2017 Rye Districts Budgets
RBVDbudget2017 JBVDbudget2017 RWDbudget2017 RWD Annual Meeting Documents scanned by RCL: RWDannualReport2017
RCL notes of January 9, 2017 Budget Committee Hearing
1. Â The Budget Committee engaged in vigorous discussion of the approximately $3.4 million Selectmen’s warrant article to tear down and rebuild the Town Hall (4:05 elapsed). a. Â Randy Crapo stated that he would be embarrassed to recommend this option as it does not meet the needs. Â He said that he would be voting against recommending […]
RCL Notes of the January 12, 2017 Budget Committee Public Hearing
1. Â The Budget Committee voted 6-1 in favor of recommending the $80,000 warrant article to advance the Recreation Community Center design. Â Peggy Balboni voted against, citing the unused space at the Junior High and the need for an overall plan for Town facilities (7:53 elapsed). 2. Â A resident expressed opposition to the $3.4 million Selectmen’s […]