Committee Mtgs Town Hall Committee

Town Hall committee April 2014 update

The Rye Town Hall Committee (THC) discussed, deliberated, and decided to recommend to the Rye BOS that the THC continue to work with SMP Architecture, in order to continue and complete the design process, including the Design Development phase, the Construction Documents phase (including Drawings and Specifications), and, upon their completion, to receive competing, fixed-price, […]

Committee Mtgs

Demolition Review Committee April 3rd and April 21st 2014 notes

The Demolition Review Committee met on April 3, 2014.  The meeting was devoted to the discussion of rules of procedure for the committee.  The Committee consisted of the Chair Mae Bradshaw, the Vice Chair Rich Davis, and Jane Hallway and the two alternates Peter White and Alex Herlihy.  Previously, when an application was received, a […]

Commission Mtgs

Heritage Commission Notes April 3, 2014

The Heritage Commission. The Heritage Commission met on April 3, 2014.  The meeting was a work session to review the Rules of Procedure proposed by the Board of Selectmen.  Changes discussed included the use of alcohol in any public building and the use of alcohol at any board meeting of a town Committee or Commission.  […]

Opinion Pieces

Opinion Letter about Conservation Bond

This is a letter that the RCL was requested to post.  We have and will continue to post opinion pieces from residents.  Please see the table at the bottom of the letter. State Representatives Tom Sherman and David Borden New Hampshire State Legislature By e-mail Dear Tom and David: I am writing regarding to urge […]