
August 2013 RCL view of proposed Master Plan Changes

Summary slides for Planning Board Workshop:   Master Plan Workshop Overivew for 14 Aug 13 Printable Version:  Master Plan Draft (2013) review RCL 12 Aug 13 SUMMARY OF CHANGES TO THE DRAFT 2013 RYE MASTER PLAN (Prepared by the Rye Civic League, August 12, 2013)   A subcommittee of the Rye Planning Board, the Long Rang […]


What is a Master Plan?

What is a Master Plan?  “A master plan is planning document that serves to guide the overall character, physical form, growth, and development of a community… Properly done, a master plan should describe where, how, and at what pace a community desires to develop physically, economically, and socially. In short a master plan functions much […]


RCL Beach Use Committee notes July 2, 2013

NOTES OF JULY 2, 2013 BEACH USE ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League For a printable version: RCL Beach Use Committee 7-2-13 Meeting Notes Committee members present:  Selectmen Musselman and Mills, Members Del Record, Police Chief Kevin Walsh (ex officio), Tom Farrelly, Tyler McGill, Michael LaBrie, Bill Epperson, Fire […]


RCL Beach Use Meeting Notes June 13, 2013

NOTES OF JUNE 13, 2013 BEACH USE ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League For a printable version: RCL Beach Use Committee 6-13-13 Meeting Notes Committee members present:  Selectmen Musselman and Mills (arrived late), Members Del Record, Police Chief Kevin Walsh (ex officio), Tom Farrelly, Tyler McGill, Michael LaBrie, Bill […]


RCL Beach Use Committee Notes 5-30-13

NOTES OF MAY 30, 2013 BEACH USE ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League For a Printable Version:  RCL Beach Use Committee 5-30-13 Meeting Notes Committee members present:  Selectmen Musselman and Mills, Members Tom Farrelly, Tyler McGill, Michael LaBrie, Bill Epperson, Del Record, Police Chief Kevin Walsh (ex officio), Fire […]


RCL Planning Board Notes June 11, 2013

NOTES OF JUNE 11, 2013 RYE PLANNING BOARD MEETING Revised Final Revision C – Provided by the Rye Civic League For printable version: RCL Planning Board notes 6-11-13 meeting Present:  Bill Epperson, Mel Low, Priscilla Jenness, Ray Tweedie, Phil Winslow, Jerry Gittlein, Phil Winslow, Keriann Roman (alternate), Anne Crotty (alternate) Also present:  Kim Reed, planning […]


RCL Notes of May 28th Board of Selectmen Meeting

NOTES OF MAY 28, 2013 RYE BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Printable version: RCL BOS 5-28-13 Meeting Notes Present:  Selectmen Jenness, Musselman and Mills.  Also present:  Cindi Gillespie, Michael Magnant             Editor’s note:  Normally, for ease in finding particular sections using the archived video and audio […]


RCL Board of Selectmen Notes June 10, 2013

NOTES OF JUNE 10, 2013 RYE BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Printable Version: Present:  Selectmen Jenness, Musselman (arrived late) and Mills.  Also present: Michael Magnant, Cindi Gillespie             Editor’s note:  For ease in finding particular sections using the archived video and audio on the Town website, […]


RCL Board of Selectmen Notes June 24, 2013

NOTES OF JUNE 24, 2013 RYE BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Printable version: RCL BOS 6-24-13 Meeting Notes Present:  Selectmen Jenness, Musselman and Mills.  Also present: Michael Magnant, Police Chief Kevin Walsh (sitting at the Selectmen’s table during discussion of Jenness Beach District issues)             Editor’s […]