Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL May 23, 2016 Board of Selectmen Notes

File for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes052316revBfinal Text of letter from Joe Tucker is below: Eversource has been cutting trees on private property along Washington Rd. based on a “verbal signature.â€Â  The Selectmen and residents expressed concern that Eversource is not fully informing the residents of their options.  Tree cutting in the Town right-of-way will not occur […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL May 9, 2016 BOS Meeting Notes

File for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes050916revBfinal Portsmouth has withdrawn its offer to consolidate services with Rye.  More Detail All three members of Rye’s State Legislative Delegation were present to discuss cancer clusters and possible pollution of the water supply.  More Detail A tardily-filed beach permit application was approved on the condition that there be no further […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL Notes of Parson’s Creek Pollution Committee April 27, 2016

Charge from the Selectmen:  Parsons Creek Charge 2016 Rye Civic League Notes Parsons Creek Watershed Restoration Committee April 27, 2016 Rye Town Hall Video Streaming of the Meeting here: Members Present: Craig Musellman, Sam Winebaum, Lynn Pinkham,  Peter Reilly, John Riley Also attending: Michael Magnant, Town Administrator: Kim Reed, Planning and Zoning Adminstrator; Peter […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL Notes BOS Meeting April 25, 2016

File for Civic News: RyeBOSrclNotes042516revBfinal Agreement was reached with Seacoast Velokids to have them use trails near the Rye Airfield, rather than the Town Forest, for children’s biking events.  More Detail After vigorous discussion over the advisibility of allowing surfing camps on July Fourth, Summer Sessions was granted a beach permit.  Permits were also issued to […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL April 11 BOS meeting notes

File for the Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes041116revBfinal The application by Seacoast Velokids to use the Town Forest for bicycling events was tabled after Conservation Commission opposition. More Detail Rye’s representative to the Coastal Risk and Hazard Commission reported that estimates for sea level rise by 2100 range from 1.6 to 6.6 feet. More Detail An “august†[…]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL Notes of the March 28, 2016 BOS Meeting

File for the Civic News: RyeBOSrclNotes032816revBfinal The Selectmen approved the Conservation acquisition at 561 South Rd. (lot 5) for $350,000. More Detail Dump permits for contractors and landscapers will be put in place following Town Meeting approval.  There will be no charge until 2017.  More Detail The charges for the Parsonage Committee and the Parson’s Creek […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

BOS March 14, 2016 RCL Notes

RyeBOSrclNotes031416revBfinal New Meeting Rules for Public Comment:  StdMtgProcedures031416 Water main replacement and repaving will occur this summer near Marsh and Parsons Roads. More Detail Selectman Mills was selected as Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, following the customary rotation.  The various Committee representatives will remain as before. More Detail The Parsonage and Parsons Creek committees […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL February 22, 2016 Meeting notes

File for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes022216revBfinal The consultant reported on the results of the Ocean Blvd. Parking Study.  The first-year capital investment would be $228,350 to do the area near Jenness Beach.  Annual profit starting the second year would be approximately $200,000. More Detail Beth Yeaton will be retiring as Town Clerk at the end of […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL Notes of January 25, 2016 BOS Meeting

File for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes012516revBfinal The Rockingham Planning Commission will be assisting the Long Range Planning Subcommittee of the Planning Board with updating the Land Use, Transportation and Natural Resources chapters of the Master Plan. More Detail A letter from the Historic District Commission Chairman was read but there was no reaction and the Chairman […]