Rye Civic News

RCL BOS February 10th Summary

1.  The Town Administrator acknowledges that the evening’s hearing on the Conservation Bond is occurring after the date required by New Hampshire law.  If the warrant article on the 2014 ballot passes, a Special Town Meeting will be needed to cure the error (2:45 elapsed).
2.  A second public hearing was held on the street name changes involving Oral Ln., Foyes Rd., and Frontier St.  The Selectmen approved the renaming of the first two streets to Frontier St. (all are contiguous streets just north of Foyes Corner), which will require that a number of houses, even on Frontier St., to be renumbered.  Residents expressed opposition and concern but were told that the decision had already been made (15:20 elapsed).
3.  Ed Farley engaged in a lengthy discussion regarding his barking dog and his dissatisfaction with the Police Department in handling the complaints of his neighbors.  Police Chief Walsh responded.  The discussion lasted nearly an hour (46:52 elapsed).
4.  Two event permits for road races were discussed, with Police Chief Walsh stating that neither could go forward as presented.  Concerns were expressed as to the number of participants.  The matter was tabled (101:17 elapsed).
5.  Ambulance billing rates were increased (123:53 elapsed).
6.  Three requests to use the Recycling Center for considered.  Two were for purposes of campaigning.  The Selectmen initially sought to restrict the content of the information distributed but ultimately relented, with strict warnings about interfering with traffic.  Selectman Mills stated that he might be present to monitor activities (147:12 elapsed).
7.  Town Administrator Magnant asked the Selectmen to reconsider a decision made at the January 23, 2014 meeting with regard to a resident’s request to unseal the minutes relating to conservation land acquisitions that had already taken place.  At the January 23 meeting, the Selectmen had stated that all of the sealed minutes for the past ten years would need to be examined in sequence by the Selectmen in non-public session.  The consensus at this meeting appeared to be that the Selectmen would focus on just the requested minutes relating to conservation, but that the process would still take a significant amount of time (161:28 elapsed).