Town Hall Committee

RCL THC May 6th meeting


Rye Town Hall Committee Meeting on May 6, 2014

Members Present:  Victor Azzi, Craig Musselman, Priscilla Jenness, Paul
Goldman, Beth Yeaton, Peter White, Lucy Neiman, and Mae Bradshaw
Ex-Officio Members:  Mike Magnant and Kim Reed
Others Present:  Eric Paulson, Jason LaCombe, Anthony Mento, SMP
From the Public:  Peter Crawford

Review of the Progress to Date and Project Schedule
1.  Summary of afternoon meeting with Staff.  Eric Paulson met with most ofthe Rye Town Hal staff.  There were some minor changes and reconfigurations. For instance, the Assessing Department feels strongly that it should be near
the Finance Department.  There is no advantage to Assessing being on the
first floor as public access can be accommodated by putting it on the second
floor, near Finance.  
2.  Review updated plan
Eric Paulson stated that SMP’s charge from the last meeting, was to explore
the possibility of adding a kitchen, adding more bathrooms, and identify a
good location for the elevator.  He stated that a small kitchen could be in
the back of the second floor, in the enclosed porch.  There would be no oven
or stove.  There would be a refrigerator, freezer, a microwave and sink.  It
would not be a commercial kitchen.  Regarding bathrooms, he stated that
there would be bathrooms in the front of the second floor, for handicap.  In
addition, there could easily put two additional bathrooms on the third floor
space below the belfry.  Regarding the elevator in the new building, he
stated that if the elevator was moved into the interior of the building,
that the elevator would be under a higher part of the roof, making the lines
more simple.
3.  Review Exterior Character Board
Eric Paulson submitted photos of building showing exterior details for the
Committee’s review.  He submitted photos of building with solar panels on
the roofs to give an idea of how they would look.  This would not be allowed
in the Historic District.  He stated that the roof is asphalt shingle on the
existing building and will be compatible in the new building.  Regarding the
exterior building material of the new building, he stated that it was his
view that a match of the wooden clapboard would be appropriate.  He thinks
that the trim would be simpler than what is on the existing building.
Similarly, shudders on the new building would not be necessary, giving it a
subservient feel to the existing building.  
4.  Working Committee discussion
Jason LaCombe stated that towards the end of the last meeting they had
discussed the idea of having a smaller working committee.  Victor Azzi, Beth
Yeaton, and Peter Kasnet volunteered.
5.  Required Information
Jason LaCombe pointed out that he needs information on the geothermal
system.  Mike Magnant will provide this. Jason stated that there is an
updated energy audit on the existing building and would like a copy of this
report.  Jason stated that at some point the Committee should start thinking
about the interior finishes, fixtures, and materials.  Jason explained that
the Geotechnical Engineer is working on finishing up his report.  Some
bedrock was found but until the site survey is completed it is not known if
it is an issue.  Mike Magnant stated that he showed the surveyor where the
septic tank is located.  He noted that there is a sketch that shows the
leachfield is on the other side of the parking lot, and that this will be
confirmed.  Craig Musselman stated that the Rye Heritage Commission has some
money dedicated for the Town Hall.  The Heritage Commission came up with the
idea of applying for historical grants.  A grant regarding the restoration
and repair of the windows is contemplated.  Alternatively, money could be
used to help educate the public.  Anthony Mento explained that marketing is
very important.  SMP is quite capable of developing a plan, but separate
marketing professionals may be needed to get community buy-in.  

6.  Our next steps
Measurements of the existing building, inside and out, have been taken.
Over the next couple of weeks the CAD drawings will be developed.  Mae
Bradshaw asked that the connector between the existing building and new
building be made more wide, so that a gallery could be put incorporated.  

7.  Meeting Schedule, Going Forward Next Meeting is May 20th.

8.  Public Input
Peter Crawford spoke and said that he thinks the program and how it matches
to the building is still off in terms of square feet.  SMP stated that they
will clear this up.