File for the Civic News: Â RyeBOSrclNotes011215revBfinal
1.                           A hearing was held on the Heisey lot unmerger request involving two parcels on Harbor Rd. No decision was reached. The discussion focused on whether or not the lots had separate septic systems. More Detail
2.                           The final report on the Beach Parking Study was presented. Discussion focused on whether the loss of 140 parking spaces was accurate, and whether there were only about 7 driveways needing parking restrictions. More Detail
3.                           Residents question whether the amendment to Beach Permit revenue fund to permit water quality testing is insufficiently broad (perhaps should allow expenditure for any beach-related) and impact on taxes of less revenue going to the General Fund. More Detail
4.                           Fire Department consolidation discussions will continue with a joint meeting including the Board of Selectmen and Portsmouth Fire Commissioners. More Detail