File for Civic News: Â RyeBOSrclNotes102416revBfinal (1)
- Several members of the public expressed opposition to the new Jenness Beach Bathhouse proposed by the State, to be approved by the Executive Council on Wednesday, October 26. More Detail
- The CIP Plan includes five major projects totaling $11.725 million. However, the maturing of a School bond and one of the Conservation bonds may allow a $2.9 million Town Hall to be financed with no tax rate increase. More Detail
- A proposal to allow the Conservation Commission to accept $10,000 in unrestricted funds received from Wallis Road Properties LLC was tabled after it appeared that the funds came from an unauthorized increase in the acquisition price. More Detail
- The Town Clerk’s budget was tabled for further work after it appeared that returning to three full-time employees will not be approved given proposals to increase the Building Inspector and Public Works staffs in 2017. More Detail
- Surprise was expressed at how the number of registered voters in Rye is close to the population. More Detail
- The Selectmen decided to have the Town Administrator contact Executive Councilor Chris Sununu to relay continued concerns by Rye residents regarding the massing of the proposed Jenness Beach Bathhouse. More Detail