
March 27, 2017 RCL Strategic Planning Meeting

At the Strategic Planning meeting the general consensus is that the RCL needs to move to a more dynamic flow for getting information available.

The most important step is to build a Website that can support this.  HELP IS NEEDED   If you can assist in the design and development, please let us know.

Resident commitment to take responsibility for specific town meeting to either attend or watch the video.  Responsibility is only to ONLY create the summary of the key points that would be posted to the new website.   This would allow the Civic News, to build itself, as it would be an e-mail of just these summaries.  HUGE help is needed here and it is great opportunity for more residents to contribute.

While we are not 100% there, the Town has made huge improvements in getting DRAFT meeting minutes posted.  Video and Crawford productions has also helped.  The school is also adding video.

Editing help for the B OS RCL meeting notes would be helpful.  Example, this month, there are no BOS meeting minutes when the Civic News needs to go out, so there is even more work for us.

Comments, more feedback or willingess to help, PLEASE come to the May 1st 6:30pm Rye Civic League meeting at the Rye Public Library