Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL July 10, 2017 BOS Notes

File for the Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes071017revC


  1. Town Hall employees will be receiving training in conflict resolution. More Detail
  2. The Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment will be asked to change their rules to emphasize that members should not individually help applicants or those speaking with regard to applications. More Detail
  3. After denying any knowledge of ash deposited at the Breakfast Hill Landfill, Selectman Musselman now acknowledges that ash from Pease had been deposited there. More Detail
  4. Selectman Musselman reported that, in the 1970s, trash was deposited up to 13 feet below the ground water level at the Grove Road Landfill. A recent test showing PFC levels of twice the maximum drinking water standard resulted in a visit by a DES engineer within two business days.  The landfill is only about 1000 feet from the Garland Well, which supplies 60 percent of Rye Water District water.  More Detail
  5. Selectman Musselman, whose firm, CMA Engineers, has been doing the sample gathering and analysis at the Breakfast Hill and Grove Road Landfills, declined to release information in the CMA files relating to work paid for by Rye taxpayers, asserting that summary level information provided to the town was all that was relevant. More Detail
  6. Portsmouth appears to be unwilling to pay to relocate the intersection between Lang Rd. and Route 1 to improve safety, despite State willingness to pay half of the cost. More Detail