1244 Washington Rd. 11-12 Next steps

The recent balloon test revealed how omnipresent the tower will be. Attached you will find a map of the tower site with nine locations where photos were taken of the visible balloons. These photos refute the argument that the tower will be “hidden deep in the woodsâ€.  Rather, the balloon test brings to light that several miles of […]
Notes for the Civic News:  RyeBudgetCteeNotes020216revBfinal The Rye Beach Village District budget was tabled after Commissioner Frank Drake explained that their Treasurer had “skipped town†and they were in disarray. More Detail The Jenness Beach Village District budget, as well as a warrant article for a $30,000 for street light replacement with LEDs, were unanimously […]
Budget Schedule:  Budget Schedule 2018 November Town Budget Summary:  Draft TownBudgetSummary 16 Nov 18 Table of the CIP Data:  CIPprojectList120217 Draft Positions list:  2018 Open Positions OLD 2017 filing forms:  Town: 2017 Town Position File Form    School:  2017 School Board File Form