The Rye Conservation Commission (RCC) will be hosting an online program – Green Grass, Clear Water, about lawn care and water quality about best management practices for lawn care and fertilizer use. Â The program is scheduled for Monday May 3 at 6:30. Â UNH Cooperative Extension will be providing the online seminar. Â Look for more details about registrations and content soon. RCC and Rye DPW will both provide funding for the program and follow up sessions. Â
A review of the septic system testing results on Marjorie Drive indicated that regular testing and maintenance of the systems had occurred. Â During the 2020 testing round, 5 of the 6 properties had nitrate concentrations in treated effluent that exceeded the 15 mg/L limit established by the Planning Board Conditions of Approval. Â Maintenance and re-testing in April and May of 2021 is planned by the septic system company to return the effluent concentrations from the septic systems to a concentration at or below the 15 mg/L limit.