
Rye Greenway Updates

NH Seacoast Greenway:  Construction for the first phase of NHSG (Hampton-Portsmouth 26485) is now underway with a projected completion date of October 2024. Construction began in April at the Hampton-North Hampton town line and is proceeding northward in 2500’ segments. As of late July construction is happening just south of Breakfast Hill Road in Greenland. Work on each segment at this point includes removal of old rail ties, clearing and grubbing, and installation of base material. A final top layer of stonedust will be added in fall 2024 once base work is completed for the full corridor. In May and June RPC worked with the Towns of Greenland and Rye and the NHSG Alliance to develop an application for federal Recreational Trails Program (RTP) funding to build a trailhead parking area at Breakfast Hill Road in Greenland. The federal RTP funds require a 20% non-federal match which is being covered through a combination of in-kind engineering services and generous pledges of private funding, largely by Rye residents and firms. Staff are continuing to work with NHDOT and ECGA on trail signage drawing on the NHSG Signage Plan developed by the National Park Service. With help from ECGA we’ve secured a $25K donation to support printing of trail signage.  (Scott Bogle – [email protected])