Commission Mtgs Conservation Commission

RCL Conservation Commission Dec. 15, 2016 Meeting Notes

File for the civic News:   RCL CC notes of December 15 2016 See the above document for much more detail. 1.  Wetlands: Jeffrey Katz, 1146 Ocean Boulevard, proposal to tear down the house and rebuild it on the footprint, keeping existing driveway and septic system.  A site walk was planned on Dec. 22nd. 2.  Wetlands: […]


RCL December 12, 2016 BOS Meeting notes

File for Civic League:  RyeBOSrclNotes121216revCfinal The Selectmen refused to release an opinion of the Town Attorney that, they assert, permits Shawn Crapo (lost in the last election) to continue to serve on the Budget Committee as a representative of the Rye Beach Village District, even though he is not a Commissioner of that District. More […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL November 28, 2016 BOS meetingnotes

File for Civic news:  RyeBOSrclNotes112816revBfinal The total of major CIP Plan projects is now $12,397,000 after Recreation and culvert projects were added.  More Detail The Parsons Creek Watershed Restoration Committee presented its final report.  A mandatory septic system inspection may be proposed at the 2018 Town Meeting.  Under the new pump out ordinance approved by […]

Planning Board Town Meetings

2016 Master Plan update & changes activities

This appeared in the October 2016 Civic News and shows that activities to date.  As of December 5th, there has been no public discussions to fund some of the proposed activities. 1. May and June Public Comments  Click Here 2.  At the September Planning Board meeting, Julie Labranche from the Rockingham Planning Commission (RPC), presented […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL November 14, 2016 BOS Meeting notes

File for the Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes111416revCfinal The tax rate of $10.68, compared to $10.90 in 2015, was announced.  The reduction is entirely accounted for by the portion of the School District’s 2015-2016 surplus that is being returned to taxpayers this year. More Detail The Recreation Facilities Need Committee presented their report.  They would like a […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL additional Information on Parsonage Committee Report

The Parsonage Committee Report Of interest to this timeline, a committee was formed in May to study the future of the Parsonage Apartments — referred as the Parsonage Committee as well as the Parsonage Long Range Planning Committee.  Incidentally, three (3) Planning Board members, Mel Low, Bill Epperson, and Phil Winslow, were members of the […]

School Board Town Meetings

Portsmouth Herald Article on Start times

By Brian Early [email protected] PORTSMOUTH — The School Board voted 8 to 1 to start middle and high school later in the morning starting next school year. The change will push back the middle and high school start times about an hour and synchronize the elementary school start times. Currently the middle and high school start […]

School Board Town Meetings

PHS Considering Eliminating 9th Grade Honors Class

If you are not aware, the Portsmouth High School is looking to end the 9th grade honors program in English and Science (for the 2017-18 school year). They plan to offer honors in grades 10-12, but are strongly pursuing the idea of stopping it in 9th grade.  Many parents of past and upcoming PHS students are concerned about this decision.  At […]

Planning Board Town Meetings Zoning Board of Adjustment

RCL Notes on Proposed Zoning Amendment RCD 2017-04

Retirement Community Development (RCD’s)      Proposed Zoning Amendment (2017-04) Visit link to the full text of the Proposed Zoning Amendment (2017-04):  Click Here The amendment is intended to assure that RCD’s developed in Rye provide for dwelling units which are affordable to senior citizens. With respect to the town wide limitation, presently there are 20 […]