File for the Civic News: Â Â RyeBOSrclNotes122716revBfinal
1.     The Selectmen refused to provide further details or answer questions about the acquisition of Transfer Station land that the Town already thought it owned for $75,000, citing the pending court case. Meeting Detail  Additional information and documents form the RCL Click Here
2.     The bids for the two Red Mill Ln. culverts were received. The low bid was $220,000 for each culvert, a total of $440,000 or an estimated $500,000 after engineering costs and contingency. The warrant article voted earlier this year provided only $150,000. The Town will augment that with $110,000 in the 2017 operating budget (rather than presented as a separate warrant article) and complete only the first of two culverts. More Detail
3.     No agreement has been reached with any of the three town employees unions, whose contracts are expiring. The sticking point is health care. More Detail
4.     The timing of meetings on Town Hall was agreed. Public meetings are scheduled for January 3, January 9 and January 17. The cost appearing in any warrant article will need to be decided after hearing public input on January 3 so that the hearing notice can appear in time for the January 17 hearing which would occur on the last possible date.  More Detail
           5.  Hutter Construction, the sole responding bidder for the Town Hall project, explained its two bids (one for renovation, the other for tear down and rebuild) both for approximately $3 million. Extensive public input and questions were taken. Key issues are (a) the long-term suitability of the building in terms of durability and meeting future town space needs; (b) the high $400 to $500 per sq. ft. cost likely once “soft†costs are added; (c) the location of the meeting room in the addition vs. in the Great Hall; (d) the concessions needed with the renovation option relative to the new build option; and (e) the massing of the proposed building relative to that of the existing Town Hall More Detail  Town Hall background information from the RCL Click Here