Commission Mtgs Conservation Commission

RCL Conservation Commission April 21st Notes

Official Draft Minutes not available at time of posting these Notes Town Hall Streaming: Abenaqui Country Club – Expedited DES permit request for removing a brick drainage pipe across the second hole near the clubhouse and restoring to an open stream across a fairway. Build a bridge across. A site walk was scheduled for […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL Notes of the March 28, 2016 BOS Meeting

File for the Civic News: RyeBOSrclNotes032816revBfinal The Selectmen approved the Conservation acquisition at 561 South Rd. (lot 5) for $350,000. More Detail Dump permits for contractors and landscapers will be put in place following Town Meeting approval.  There will be no charge until 2017.  More Detail The charges for the Parsonage Committee and the Parson’s Creek […]

School Board Town Meetings

RCL School Board March 16, 2016 Notes and Time stamps

File for the Civic News:  RyeSchBdRclNotes031616revBfinal NOTES OF MARCH 28, 2016 RYE SCHOOL BOARD MEETING Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Editor’s note:  For ease in finding particular sections using the archived video and audio on Vimeo, the elapsed time is indicated.  Use the slider and the elapsed time indicated at […]

Discussion topics Rye Civic News

RCL Discussion of Town Challenges

At the Public Forum discussion (starts when the RCL meeting closes), there was a discussion about the many challenges facing Rye and the pace of action and progress.  THIS IS FROM THE PUBLIC DISCUSSION and NOT the RCL. Standing on the sidelines and hoping our elected and appointed officials take action is not enough.  For […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

BOS March 14, 2016 RCL Notes

RyeBOSrclNotes031416revBfinal New Meeting Rules for Public Comment:  StdMtgProcedures031416 Water main replacement and repaving will occur this summer near Marsh and Parsons Roads. More Detail Selectman Mills was selected as Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, following the customary rotation.  The various Committee representatives will remain as before. More Detail The Parsonage and Parsons Creek committees […]

Planning Board Town Meetings

March 1, 2016 Planning Board RCL Notes

“Request for exemption from site review for Outdoor Pride,â€Â as is stated in the agenda notice, was granted with the request that the applicant return one year from erecting/completing the installation. Details including size, a 2040 square foot greenhouse, and location, Wetlands Conservation and Aquifer Districts, were omitted from the agenda notice, as were relevant sections […]

School Board Town Meetings

Rye Junior High Structure Discussions

March 16th Presentation:  MiddleSchoolStructure031616 March 16th Time stamps: 0:00 elapsed:  Election of Scott Marion as Chairman, Kevin Brandon as Vice-Chairman and Kate Hillman as  Secretary.  Misc. matters. 47:25 elapsed:  Presentation on three options for Middle School structure.  Model One:  Integrate Social Studies with Language Arts.  Model Two:  Social Studies taught by each of the other […]

Other Town Events Town Events

Seacoast Cancer Cluster Information

Facebook page:  Click Here February 2nd Report:  2 Feb 2016 rhabdomyosarcoma2016 NH Department of Health & Human Services webpage for this:  Click Here Information from Water District Meeting:  March 26th Water Information from Rye Water District Many Articles in the Portsmouth Herald Expansion of Study:  Click Here