Official Draft Minutes not available at time of posting these Notes
Town Hall Streaming:
Abenaqui Country Club –
Expedited DES permit request for removing a brick drainage pipe across the second hole near the clubhouse and restoring to an open stream across a fairway. Build a bridge across. A site walk was scheduled for Wed April 27, 6 PM
Joe Coranti, Jones & Beach Engineering – Owner Alice Lavoie
Revocable Trust, 15 Richard Road, Tax Map 52, Lot 171 (15:10 elapsed)
Proposed additions to a 960 sq. foot home. Wetlands surround the property. Almost entire lot is in wetland buffer thus review by Conservation Commission with recommendations to ZBA. It is 20 feet from wetlands. There would be a 2.8% increase in impervious coverage to 21%, 11% building coverage, both below zoning district limits. Recommend that native plants be added to areas closest to buffer. A site walk was scheduled for May 4th 6PM.
Steve Riker, Ambit Engineering – Owner BAAR LLC, 11F Street, Tax Map 53, Lot 58 – Replacing existing sea wall – DES Permit by Notification Application (26:50 elapsed) Â
3000 sq. foot lot. 997 square foot house at the beach. Adjoining lots have had recent sea wall replacements. Repair in kind with curved instead of straight stairs to protect from wave action. Potential small future expansion of coverage of house and decks. Site walk April 27 6:30PM.
(35:40 elapsed) TRACY DEGNAN – DES Expedited Permit for Instream wood restorationÂ
The property is the Brindamour conservation easement property off of Brackett near Gerimia Road. It is a conservation property of which Rockingham County Conservation District is a part owner. A condition of the easement is restoration.  There are 15 acres of  phragmitie invasive plants on the property. There has been attempted control with chop and drop to raise water levels to flood out the invasive plants. Plan is to hand drop and place more trees to flood some more and hopefully engage beavers to also dam and flood. Less than 200 square feet of impact in wetlands. Motion to approve.
GOSS FARM UPDATE – Leslie Stevens (48:00 elapsed)
High tunnel greenhouse survived winter with very minor damage. Potential farmstand discussed as well as small CSA. Discussion of people going into the greenhouse without permission and the need for a sign that is appropriate to keep public out of the high tunnel as Sidewalk Farm is the working farmer but a sign that also prevents a vandalism reaction. The field was burned and seeded for pollinating plants.
Wetlands Updates
Pete Aiken’s restaurant (Petey’s?) followed recommendations of Conservation Commission. Moved shed further away from wetlands. Everything on property is now documented.
Other Business