Budget Committee Town Meetings

RCL Budget Committee Districts Public Hearing February 2, 12016 notes

Notes for the Civic News:  RyeBudgetCteeNotes020216revBfinal The Rye Beach Village District budget was tabled after Commissioner Frank Drake explained that their Treasurer had “skipped town†and they were in disarray.  More Detail The Jenness Beach Village District budget, as well as a warrant article for a $30,000 for street light replacement with LEDs, were unanimously […]


RCL Candidates Night

Candidates Bios:  RCL Town 2016 Candidates’ Bio Time Stamps for the video:  Click Here 1.  (0:00 elapsed).  Announcement by RCL President Steven Borne of election support material available on the RCL website. 2.  (1:36 elapsed).  Moderator Bob Eaton leads in pledge.  Unopposed candidate introductions.  School District Clerk (Donna Decotis), Planning Board (Phil Winslow, Bill Epperson), […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL February 22, 2016 Meeting notes

File for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes022216revBfinal The consultant reported on the results of the Ocean Blvd. Parking Study.  The first-year capital investment would be $228,350 to do the area near Jenness Beach.  Annual profit starting the second year would be approximately $200,000. More Detail Beth Yeaton will be retiring as Town Clerk at the end of […]


RCL Conservation Commission February 20th Notes

March 2016 Meeting Notes from the RCL: RyeConComNotes031716revBfinal   File for Civic News:  RCL CC Notes Feb. 20 2016 RCL Notes, Conservation Commission, Meeting Thursday, February 18th, 2016. Wetland Applications: 1313 Ocean Blvd, Lot 1, Ocean Wave, LLC – Ambit Engineering. Steve Riker, from Ambit Engineering, stated that the proposal is to tear down the existing […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL Notes of January 25, 2016 BOS Meeting

File for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes012516revBfinal The Rockingham Planning Commission will be assisting the Long Range Planning Subcommittee of the Planning Board with updating the Land Use, Transportation and Natural Resources chapters of the Master Plan. More Detail A letter from the Historic District Commission Chairman was read but there was no reaction and the Chairman […]

School Board Town Meetings

RCL Board of Selectmen Notes January 11, 2016

File for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes011116revBfinal 1.  Following a public hearing, the Selectmen adopted the Health Officer’s pump out regulation, subject to Town Meeting approval.  More Detail 2.  The Beach Committee issued its report to the Selectmen.  There was discussion about the possible implementation of parking kiosks.  Senator Stiles was present and promised to arrange a […]

Discussion topics Elections

RCL Rye Tavern Conversations 2016

2016 Rye Tavern Conversations Host Overview Goal:  To get residents having discussions prior to the Town election on March 8th at local “Rye Tavern Conversation†events/parties.  Flyer: RCL Rye Tavern Conversations 2016 Hosts When:  Anytime the last three weeks of February (after the Primary) and the first week of March (up to March 8th). Hosts:  A […]


RCL 2016 Deliberative Town & School Meeting Information

RCL Pre-deliberative presentation:  Click Here Town Deliberative Meeting Minutes:  Click Here Note:  School Deliberative is at the bottom. The RCL video taped this meeting.  Here are the time stamps and the details from the RCL notes of the meeting.  Estimating around 100 people attended.  Most left before the end as it went to 5pm.  A […]