Discussion topics Rye Civic News

RCL Parson’s Creek Pollution Information

December 11, 2017 presentation to BOS repeats known findings that we have an issue.   Video Click Here – 1:34 after bacterial   a) Septic system density above .26 per acre causes problems, Parsons Creek Watershed is at .45 systems per acre.  The problem is over saturated land.  At this point, testing should only be to […]

Planning Board Town Meetings

RCL Notes on the Technical Review Meeting November 24, 2015

This is a very complex issue; here is a short narrative of its history as of October 2015. Same applicant/application(s) came before the TRC in October; however, they are no minutes available for that meeting.  In briefly watching the end of the October meeting, the applicant was told to come back as application and plans […]

Committee Mtgs Town Hall Committee

RCL time stamps of November 24, 2015 Town Hall Committee meeting

Town Hall Committee November 24 , 2015 on streaming 1:00 Clarifications on Right to Know law, opinion 6:00 Ground rules , Goldman 7:50 Dec 2nd, next meeting 8:00 Findings on Public Safety Building (PSB) site walk 13:00 Parking findings, detox , hazmat considerations 18:00 Motion to exclude PSB as an option for ancillary space for […]

Committee Mtgs Town Hall Committee

RCL time stamps of November 18, 2015 Town Hall Committee meeting

Town Hall Committee Meeting on town websiteNov 18 2015 01:35 11/4 minutes, non public session. 09:00 Space needs, Town manager, Great Hall , Stairs 25:00 Gross vs net square footage 28:00 Goldman recap Survey discussion 49:00 Architect role discussion 1:05:00 Public Safety Building (PSB) space. 1:13:00 Goldman on PSB 1:15:45 Azzi comprehensive observations on PSB […]

Commission Mtgs Conservation Commission

RCL notes on November 19, 2015 Conservation Commission meeting

Conservation Commission, November 19, 2015. Summary: 1). O Wentworth Road, Tax Map, 24, Lots 68 & 61-26  – Steve Binnie Proposed driveway crossing in the wetlands and buffer – same applicant that came before the TRC on November 24.  A site walk was planned for November 22 to look at the site. 2). 255 Washington […]

Commission Mtgs

RCL notes on November 19, 2015 Heritage Commission meeting

The Rye Heritage Commission met on November 19 th  at a Special Meeting.  The action which required a meeting  was that the Board of Selectmen had declined to send their representative, Administrator Mike Magnant,  to a meeting with the Preservation Alliance under the Seven to Save Program.  The Alliance had arranged for the engineer who […]

School Board Town Meetings

RCL Notes on School Budget all day workshop

  Summary 1.  SAU 50 Superintendent Petralia is supporting a zero percent increase in budget which would require a reduction in RJH teachers from 11 to 9.  Another option for a 1.5 percent budget increase would require a cut of only one teacher.  Both increases are exclusive of support staff pay increases, which will be […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL notes on BOS Tax Rate meeting

Tax-rate table .xls:  TaxRateSet111715revB Summary from the December Civic News: 1. A combination of factors helped reduce the 2015 tax rate:    a)  Public Safety building and conservation bonds are paid off, reducing total appropriations as the cost of government services continued to rise.    b) Of the $823,141 surplus, $400K was applied to reduce taxes while […]

Committee Mtgs Town Hall Committee

RCL Town Hall Survey presentation October 13, 2015 RCL notes

Video Link Click Here 0:00 elapsed:  Call to order, pledge 4:55 elapsed:  Andy Smith of UNH Survey Center describes survey and the 39% response rate to 2981 households mailed to. 14:20 elapsed:  Town Hall usage:  88% use Town Hall every 2-3 months or less frequently than that.  85% use to register their cars, 59% to pay […]

Committee Mtgs Town Hall Committee

Town Hall Committee 10-21-15 meeting RCL notes

1.  Chairman Goldman summarized his “take aways” from the survey.  Citizens: a.  Value the current building b.  Value the current site c.  Are very cost conscious d.  Do not see a need for the Great Hall e.  Do not view voting at the Elementary School as an issue f.  Implicitly view $2 to $2.5 million […]