File for Civic News: Â RyeBOSrclNotes110915revBfinal
- It was agreed that a warrant article would be prepared leading to possible sale of the Parsonage Apartments for one dollar to the Housing Partnership. More Detail
- The Selectmen requested more information on a proposal to dredge Sagamore Creek and deposit the sand off of Wallis Sands beach. More Detail
- Jane Holway’s resignation from the Heritage Commission was not accepted but rather the matter was tabled. More Detail
- The Selectmen objected to the Heritage Commission setting up a meeting with the Town Administrator and the former Town Hall architect in connection with leveraging State resources following the selection of the Town Hall for the “Seven to Save†list. More Detail
- The study on installing parking kiosks along Ocean Blvd. has run into some snags, but a report is still due in December. If that shows a favorable cost/benefit analysis there may be a warrant article to fund further study next year. More Detail
- The Selectmen expressed concerns regarding whether a proposed $80,000 loan would provide the solution to bacterial contamination in the Parsons Creek watershed. Contamination warning signs at “Stinky Creek†will likely be needed for a number of years to come, one said. More Detail