Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL August 10th BOS Meeting Notes

File for Civic News: RyeBOSrclNotes081015revBfinal One of two signs requested by the Heritage Commission indicating that the Town Hall is on the State Registry is approved. More Detail Conservation Commission request for approval of $121,000 grant to be applied towards former Rand Lumber purchase is tabled after it is discovered no public hearing was held. More […]

Rye Civic News

August RCL News help

Safety Building:  2015 fire prevention Wedgewood Letter:  ParentWedgewoodAnnouncement Table for Agenda:  RCL Meeting Coverage 8-2015 PDF:  RCL-Meeting-Coverage-8-2015 Meeting Date Video Minutes Owner Edited Trustee of the Trust Funds 3-Aug Yes None ZBA 5-Aug Yes Yes Rules & Regs 6-Aug None None Heritage Committee 6-Aug Yes Yes Board of Selectmen 10-Aug Yes None Planning Board 11-Aug […]

Committee Mtgs Town Hall Committee

RCL Town Hall Committee July 2015 Notes

7/7/15 1.  Non-public sessions were conducted after this meeting and the prior one.  Discussion was apparently regarding acquisition of a new site for Town Hall.  A Special Town Meeting may be needed to approve that. 2.  Reasons for failure of $4.1 million Town Hall warrant article in 2015 were discussed.  Opposition e-mail from a builder […]

Commission Mtgs Conservation Commission

RCL July 16, 2015 Conservation Meeting Notes

File for Civic News: RyeConComNotes071615revCfinal Site walk scheduled for wetlands application at 31 Parsons’ Rd. on July 30. More Detail Tracy Degnan of Rockingham Planning Commission provided updates regarding Goss Farm, financing of former Rand Lumber acquisition, procedures for wetlands applications. More Detail NH DES approvals for 1126, 1232 and 2575 Ocean Blvd. were discussed.  More […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

July 13, 2015 BOS Site Walk RCL Notes

File for Civic League:  RyeBOSrclNotes071315siteWalkRevBfinal   Site walk was conducted, with several residents present, on Perkins Rd. Residents are requesting striping adjacent to driveways similar to what is planned on Ocean Blvd.  The Selectmen took the matter under advisement. Residents present complained about safety issues, as well as trash and public urination. Selectman Mills indicated […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL Notes July 13, 2015 Board of Selectmen Meeting

File for Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes071315revBfinal Donations to the Heritage Commission for Town Hall were accepted.  The Selectmen questioned the authority of the Heritage Commission to expend funds without their approval.  More Details A public hearing will be scheduled on a grant aimed at reestablishing Rye as a participant in the FEMA Community Rating System.  That […]

Commission Mtgs Committee Mtgs

2015 Rye Departments, Commissions, Boards and Committees

File for Civic News link:  DEPARTMENTS 2015 2015   DEPARTMENTS, COMMISSIONS, BOARDS & COMMITTEES Assessor Assessing ClerkField Appraiser  Dave HynesJoanne DrewniakVirginia MerrillTodd Haywood  Hired Beach Committee Keper ConnellLori CarbajalLarry RochaSteve Hillman   2014-2015 Building InspectorAdministrative Assistant Peter RowellRosalie Andrews HiredHired Budget Committee  Paul E. Goldman- Chair 2017Raymond Jarvis-Clerk 2018Douglas Abrams 2018Shawn Crapo 2016 James G. Maheras […]

Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL BOS Meeting notes June 8, 2015

File for Civic news:  RyeBOSrclNotes060815revBfinal The plan for striping of Ocean Blvd. has been submitted to the State and has preliminary approval.  After the Commissioner approves, striping will occur forthwith. More Detail Parking problems adjacent to St. Theresa’s Church were highlighted by two residents of the area.  On of the residents was given permission to […]