File for the Civic news: Â RyeBOSrclNotes101415revBfinal
- The Capital Improvement Program Committee presented the CIP Plan for 2016-2021, which included recommendations to spread out a number of capital expenditures to prevent debt service from reaching an all-time high in 2017. More Detail
-  The five surplus vehicles, including three police cruisers and two dump trucks, that have accumulated in a graveyard at Public Works after their replacements were purchased, will be auctioned. More Detail
- Eight Recreation Space Needs Committee members were appointed. A resident noted that the Selectmen did not invite anyone involved with Rye’s youth sports programs to participate. More Detail
- The Abenaqui Country Club is having problems with sea water getting into the freshwater irrigation ponds. More Detail
- New Hampshire DES was present to discuss redirecting grant funds for pollution evaluation in the Parsons Creek Watershed. No failed septic systems or other smoking guns have been found so it will be proposed that the Town borrow money for a feasibility study and broader plan. More Detail