Board of Selectmen Town Meetings

RCL August 10th BOS Meeting Notes

File for Civic News: RyeBOSrclNotes081015revBfinal

  1. One of two signs requested by the Heritage Commission indicating that the Town Hall is on the State Registry is approved. More Detail
  2. Conservation Commission request for approval of $121,000 grant to be applied towards former Rand Lumber purchase is tabled after it is discovered no public hearing was held. More Detail
  3. Summer Sessions provides update on their camps.  Parent drop-offs at Sawyers Beach are highlighted as a problem. More Detail
  4. Engineering design for $31,000 for two culvert replacements on Red Mill Ln. is approved.  Replacement planned for 2016 at an estimated total cost of $150,000. More Detail
  5. Attempted give-away of surplus greenhead traps to Wentworth-by-the-Sea by the Mosquito Commission prompts new town policy. More Detail
  6. Selectmen agree with parking ordinance change to reflect new driveway striping, question why parking is prohibited on both sides of South Rd. More Detail
  7. Selectmen approve building permit for construction on Class VI Old Ferry Landing Rd., condition on no more than ½ bath in accessory carriage house. More Detail

Town Hall Survey Scanned:  TownHallSurveyAug2015 RCL Scan