Rye Civic News

RCL Notes of July 24, 2013 Beach Use Committee

NOTES OF JULY 24, 2013 BEACH USE ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Committee members present:  Selectmen Musselman and Mills, Members Del Record, Police Chief Kevin Walsh (ex officio), Tom Farrelly, Tyler McGill, Michael LaBrie, Bill Epperson, Fire Chief Skip Sullivan (ex officio), Katy Sherman. Call to order (6:06:35 […]

Rye Civic News

2014 Town Union Contract key points for voters

Collective Bargaining Contract Changes Rye Employees Teamsters #633 January 23, 2014   Article 33, Duration. Term of Contract: 3 years. Article 22, Wages. a. COLA for all 3 years. Current contract language. Tied to the NCIP Article 21, Insurance, Section 3. Heath Insurance: BC/BS Comp 2500 plan will be closed to new employees. We will […]

Rye Civic News

2014 Rye Police Union contract points for voters

Collective Bargaining Contract Changes Rye Police Teamsters #633 January 23, 2014   Article 28, Duration. Term of Contract: 3 years. Article 23, Wages. COLA for all 3 years. Current Contract Language, tied to the NCIP. Article 19, Insurance, Section 3, 5. Heath Insurance: BC/BS Comp 2500 plan will be closed for new employees. We will […]

Rye Civic News

RCL BOS February 10th Summary

1.  The Town Administrator acknowledges that the evening’s hearing on the Conservation Bond is occurring after the date required by New Hampshire law.  If the warrant article on the 2014 ballot passes, a Special Town Meeting will be needed to cure the error (2:45 elapsed). 2.  A second public hearing was held on the street […]

Other Town Events Town Events

Rye Energy – NE Energy markets March 6th RPL 6:45 pm

Have your friends and colleagues suggested that you switch electricity supply providers for your home or business? Have you wondered what the “green” energy options are all about, or how best to save money this summer? EmpowerNH Coalition members Christophe Courchesne, a Conservation Law Foundation Staff Attorney and Julie Lapham, ENH Power NH Outreach Coordinator, will […]

Rye Civic News

RCL ZBA Meeting Notes Jan. 8, 2014

PDF Version:  ZBAnotes010814revBfinal NOTES OF JANUARY 8, 2014 RYE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Present from ZBA:  Chairman Frank Drake, Vice Chairman Ray Jarvis, Clerk Shawn Crapo, and Members Patty Weathersby and Burt Dibble. Also present:  Kim Reed, Planning Administrator. Present from the public:  Joe […]

Rye Civic News

2014 RCL Deliberative Town Meeting Notes Morning Session 1 Feb 14

HTML version with links to RCL Video:      2014 Morning Deliberative RCL notes with Video links   HTML Version for the Civic News:     RCL DelibSess 020114part1 final PDF File:  2014 DelibSess 1 Feb 14part1 NOTES OF FEBRUARY 1, 2014 RYE DELIBERATIVE SESSION Morning Session Final Revision E – Provided by the Rye Civic League  […]

Rye Civic News

RCL Deliberative Meeting Notes Feb 1, 2014 Afternoon

Updated HTML with video links    2014 Deliberative Town Meeting Afternoon HTML Version:    RCL DelibSessRough1Feb14part2 final PDF Version:  RCL DelibSess 1 Feb 14 part2 final NOTES OF FEBRUARY 1, 2014 RYE DELIBERATIVE SESSION Afternoon Session Final Revision C – Provided by the Rye Civic League  Present on the stage (left to right as viewed from the […]