
Special BOS 1-6-14 Conservation Meeting RCL Notes

BOS and Conservation Process:    BOS and Conservation Process   HTML Version for Civic News:         RyeBOSrclNotes010614revBfinal NOTES OF JANUARY 6, 2014 RYE BOARD OF SELECTMEN SPECIAL MEETING ON CONSERVATION Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Present:  Selectmen Jenness, Musselman and Mills.  Also present:  Mike Magnant. Cyndi Gillespie. Present from the Conservation […]


Budget Committee School Budget 12-11-13 RCL Notes

HTML version for Civic News:  Rye School BudgetCteeNotes121113revBfinal NOTES OF DECEMBER 11, 2013 RYE BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING SCHOOL BUDGET SESSION Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Present from Budget Committee (counterclockwise around table):  Ray Jarvis, Randy Crapo (Jenness Beach Precinct Representative), Shawn Crapo, Jim Maheras (Vice Chairman), Paul Goldman (Chairman), Ned […]


BOS December 23, 2014 RCL Meeting Notes

HTML version for the Civic News:  RyeBOSrclNotes122313revDfinal NOTES OF DECEMBER 23, 2013 RYE BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING Final Revision D – Provided by the Rye Civic League Present:  Selectmen Jenness and Mills.  Participating by speaker telephone:  Selectman Musselman.  Also present:  Mike Magnant and Cyndi Gillespie. Also present from the Town:  Assessor David Hynes. Persons present […]

Other Town Events Town Events

2014 Rye Positions Tracking

Please Click Here:   2014 Boards-Commissions-Committees 1 Mar 14 PLEASE HELP:  If you are intending to run, not run, seek appointment, please let the RCL know.  While elected positions must be filed by January 31st,  the Appointed and Alternative positions are normally assigned after the election  


Town Budget December 12th Work Shop RCL Notes

RCL Notes for links from the Civic News:  Rye Town Budget Work shop RCL Notes 12-12-13   NOTES OF DECEMBER 12, 2013 RYE BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING TOWN BUDGET SESSION Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Present from Budget Committee (counterclockwise around table):  Ray Jarvis (Clerk), Randy Crapo (Jenness Beach Precinct Representative), […]


RCL notes for December 12 Beach Use Committee

HTML file for Civic News Links:  BeachUseCommitteeNotes121213revA   NOTES OF DECEMBER 12, 2013 BEACH USE ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Final Revision B – Provided by the Rye Civic League Committee members present (counter clockwise around table):  Tom Farrelly, Katy Sherman, Bill Epperson, Joe Mills, Mike LaBrie, Craig Musselman, Del Record, Tyler McGill, Police Chief Kevin Walsh (ex […]


Draft Template for Warrant Articles

The deadline is 5pm January 14th to the Selectmen’s office. The requirement is 25 signatures, so you should get at least 30 signatures as some may not be legible and others may not actually be registered voters. Bob Eaton is the Town Moderator and can make suggestions on how to make the wording clear for your intent. Signature […]