Rye Energy Town Energy Report 2011 2011 Rye Energy Report 1. The Town, including all subdivisions such as the schools, two beach districts, the water department, etc., spends approximately $425,000 annually on energy. Of this, 75 percent is for buildings (heating fuel and electricity), 19 percent is for vehicles and 6 percent is for street […]
Author: sborne
RCL Town Office Space Meeting Notes July 25, 2012
These are the meeting notes from the Rye Civic League RCL Notes of Town Space Committee mtg 25 July 12
Rye Civic League Town Office Space Background Document
Rye Civic League Town Office Space Background Document – July 10, 2012 RCL Town Office Space Discussion 10 July 2012
RCL BOS Meeting Notes July 9, 2012
Meeting Notes from the Rye Civic League RCL BOS 7-09-12 Meeting Notes
July 23rd BOS Meeeting
Notes from the RCL RCL BOS 7-23-12 Meeting Notes